Hace 7 años | Por Mr_tstcl a dailymail.co.uk
Publicado hace 7 años por Mr_tstcl a dailymail.co.uk

Four people have been wounded after a Molotov cocktail was thrown into a restaurant in Paris on Sunday night. ( https://twitter.com/ClementLanot/status/874007015084961793 )



Estos franchutes, como les jode que gane Nadal.


#2 Joder leyendo y contrastando no hay quien tenga prejuicios.



Leer y contrastar el dailymail lol

Freelance journalist Clement Lanot said on Twitter that the arson was linked to a "robbery gone wrong".
After speaking to emergency services, he said two people were in a serious condition and 10 others had suffered injuries that weren't as grave. Other reports stated that three victims were in a serious condition.

Nuevo atentado terrorista con Cocktel molotov en París

Hace 7 años | Por --542802-- a mirror.co.uk


#2 No se ha descartado, indican que a priori ha sido excluida.
Ojalá así sea..


#2 Cierto, no son musulmanes. En caso contrario sería como lo de Lubitz.


Me arriesgo sin leer, religión de la paz?