Publicado hace 2 años por me_joneo_pensando_en_ti a

Apple despidió a la directora del programa de ingeniería, Ashley Gjovik, que en los últimos meses se había quejado públicamente de haber sufrido sexismo en la empresa, así como de "ambiente laboral hostil, acoso sexual, condiciones de trabajo inseguras y represalias", según informó este jueves el portal The Verge. La compañía de la manzana justificó la decisión señalando que la empleada supuestamente había violado las reglas contra la filtración de información confidencial.



Pues tal vez ese ambiente hostil y represalias que denunciaba precisamente venía motivado porque sus compañeros sabían o sospechaban sobre estas filtraciones u otras malas praxis.


Que se tome un devermut y se sosiegue


Es que el sexismo y el acoso laboral son unas estrategias claves en las empresas de USA.
Y sino mirad Blizzard y las becarias


#2 Esta no era una becaria precisamente, era la jefa..


Aquí cuentan cosas interesantes y que obviamente nadie va a pararse a poner en un artículo.
Por lo que parece es una persona a la que le gusta mucho salir en redes sociales y tratar los asuntos con la compañía a golpe de tweet cosa que cualquiera vería como no adecuado.

"This person was Tweeting internal e-mails from Apple, complete with the footnote explaining that they were confidential and not to be shared outside of the company. Example here:

There were headlines and outrage about her being placed on administrative leave by Apple recently. Reading the finer details, it turns out she requested to be placed on leave (From the article: "She was placed on administrative leave in early August while Apple investigated some of these concerns — a placement she says she requested as a last resort.")

She has a dedicated form on her website for press to fill out to request an interview with her. ( )

She maintains a website called iWhistleblower ( ) with details about past cases involving Apple and links encouraging people to report Apple information to different regulatory bodies.

Her personal website leads with "Apple Labor Advocacy" as well as "Public Health Advocacy" where she describes how she thinks there might be a toxic waste container somewhere on the property of her old 3rd-floor apartment. She believes it was causing her blood pressure and heart rate to change, according to monitors that she wore. She published photos of herself wearing a blood pressure monitoring cuff and her story here:

While I fully agree that all allegations should be given due process and properly investigated, I get nervous when someone is visibly invested in building a personal brand on social media around being a victim. The story about the toxic waste apartment, the story about Apple's lawyers needing her work phone for an investigation, and the story about her alleged harassment at Apple all happened within the past 6 months. Her entire social media presence appears to be built around capitalizing on these stories