Hace 4 años | Por pingON a stallman.org
Publicado hace 4 años por pingON a stallman.org

It is now public knowledge that on 4 September 2019 I gave a talk at the Microsoft campus in Redmond. I was invited and I accepted. The report of this has led to a certain amount of speculation and rumor. There are those who think that Microsoft invited me to speak in the hope of seducing me away from the free software cause. Some fear that it might even have succeeded. I am sure the Microsoft staff I addressed saw that that could never happen. I resisted Steve Jobs's snow job in 1989 or 1990; I am no easy mark for those who want me to change



#0 Debería haberse traducido tanto el titulo como la entradilla..


Stallman es uno de los mejores programadores que ha habido.

Pero al igual que a la mayoría de ellos, el UX se le resiste,


#2 Hombre, es un backend por definicion .


#2 Uf, nada mas que hay que mirar su web lol


Buenas ideas


Por fin una buena noticia, esperemos que Microsoft implemente alguna de las ideas que le ha dado Stallman.