Hace 1 mes | Por AVilla a hoy.es
Publicado hace 1 mes por AVilla a hoy.es

Los médicos alertan del incremento de jóvenes, de entre 14 y 18 años, que hacen un consumo problemático de esta sustancia ilegal. «El mayor consumo de cannabis en España se da entre los 15 y 64 años y, más concretamente, entre los 14 y 18 años», explica Antonio Torres, médico de familia, al tiempo que señala el aumento de pacientes jóvenes que acuden a su consulta por problemas con esta sustancia.



Joder, tremenda orquilla : "El mayor consumo de cannabis en España se da entre los 15 y 64 años ". Es como decir toda la vida lol


#2 fuma tó quisqui, que es lo que dicen los que consumen. Como los de la coca.


#2 Tremenda orquilla es un oxímoron. La orca o es tremenda o es pequeñilla


#2 y después concreta: entre los 14 y los 18, o sea fuera de la horquilla. Deberían titular: el mayor consumo es entre los 14 y los 64 años


Estando el cannabis prohibido los jóvenes reportan tener facil o muy facil acceso.
Regulando un mercado de cannabis para adultos se pondría un primer impedimento al acceso por parte de menores, control de edad. ¡Figúrense! Algo que en el mercado ilicito jamas existirá.

Aun así pretender atribuir al cannabis la miriada de problemas mentales es falaz, sesgado, y perezoso.
Básicamente solo hace falta mencionar el uso de cannabis para que se termine la diagnosis.

Cannabis does not CAUSE or induce psychosis

“Effect of Cannabis Legalization in Canada on the Incidence of Psychosis Consultations” ????

“The present study observed no increase in the proportion of ED consultations for a psychotic episode in which evidence for cannabis consumption was obtained before and after legalization, which is in line with previous studies stating that legalization had no significative impact on ED's consultations for psychosis.3–5”


“The results of the current study suggest that having an increased familial morbid risk for schizophrenia may be the underlying basis for schizophrenia in cannabis users and not cannabis use by itself,” note the researchers."

Prediction of Onset of Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder and Its Progression to Schizophrenia in a Swedish National Sample

"Conclusions: Substance-induced psychotic disorder appears to result from substantial drug exposure in individuals at high familial risk for substance abuse and moderately elevated familial risk for psychosis. Familial risk for psychosis, but not substance abuse, predicts progression from substance-induced psychosis to schizophrenia. Schizophrenia following substance-induced psychosis is likely a drug-precipitated disorder in highly vulnerable individuals, not a syndrome predominantly caused by drug exposure."

Psychology Today: Can Marijuana Cause Psychosis?

"Today, medical science lacks sufficient data to make a definitive claim regarding whether smoking marijuana induces psychosis. If you’re young, consume a lot of high-dose marijuana products every day, and possess a genetic predisposition to psychosis, then yes, you are at risk."

Very Well Mind: Can Marijuana Cause Psychosis?

“Research suggests that people who have a co-occurring mental health disorder along with a substance use disorder are at a higher risk of developing psychosis associated with the substance or medication use.1 This may suggest that substances such as marijuana may trigger the onset of a psychotic episode in people who have a predisposed risk for psychosis.”

UK Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs

“It is evident that the majority of young cannabis users do not develop psychotic illnesses. Those who do so must have one or more predisposing factors.”

[Those factors being genetic and environmental.]

“Anxiety and depression

12.10 The Council remains unconvinced that there is a causal relationship between the use of cannabis and the development of any affective disorder (Sections 8.12 and 8.13).”

Comparative harms assessments for cannabis, alcohol, and tobacco: Risk for psychosis, cognitive impairment, and traffic accident

“Researchers have associated cannabis use with risk for psychosis, cognitive impairment, and traffic accident. However, this review shows that the association between moderate cannabis use and psychosis is no stronger, and often considerably weaker, than the corresponding association for moderate tobacco use. The same holds for associations with cognitive impairment. For the risk of traffic accident, the review confirms that the risk from alcohol use is substantially stronger than the risk from cannabis use,…”

Incidence and Predictors of Cannabis-Related Poisoning and Mental and Behavioral Disorders among Patients with Medical Cannabis Authorization: A Cohort Study

“Predictors of cannabis-related mental and behavioral disorders include prior substance use disorders, other mental disorders, age, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.”

State Cannabis Legalization and Psychosis-Related Health Care Utilization

“Findings In this cohort study of claims data from 63 680 589 beneficiaries from 2003 to 2017, there was no statistically significant difference in the rates of psychosis-related diagnoses or prescribed antipsychotics in states with medical or recreational cannabis policies compared with states with no such policy.”

Influence of cannabis use on incidence of psychosis in people at clinical high risk

“There was no significant association between any measure of cannabis use at baseline and either transition to psychosis, the persistence of symptoms, or functional outcome.”

No evidence to suggest cannabis use causes schizophrenia-so why do some people think it does?

“Most neuroscientists accept the conclusion that the origins of schizophrenia are to be found during gestation of the fetus. In other words, schizophrenia is regarded as a neurodevelopmental disorder.”

“Association between cannabis use and symptom dimensions in schizophrenia spectrum disorders”

“No association was found between cannabis use and disorganization or depression”


Cada vez empiezan más jóvenes, otro gran éxito del prohibicionismo.


#4 Nuestra sociedad y el nulo, o en el mejor de los casos incierto horizonte tampoco ayuda.


#4 Tratarlos como bebes literalmente hasta los 18 (numero mágico que se sacaron de los huevos) creo que tampoco ayuda.


Bah, pero si es terapéutica


#1 Como la quimioterapia, la ketamina....


El cerebro esta formado en torno a los 14 años pero no les quites sus fantasías adultistas de "desarrollo e inmadurez adolescente", ya hay majaderos que dicen que hasta los 25 esta sin formar, de ser así estaríamos como especie extinguida desde el 50.000 antes de Cristo.