Hace 3 meses | Por cocolisto a europapress.es
Publicado hace 3 meses por cocolisto a europapress.es

La agencia europea de cooperación policial Europol ha presentado este viernes una cartografía para facilitar a las autoridades de los Estados miembro ubicar las actividades de hasta 821 redes de crimen organizado presentes en suelo europeo y consideradas muy peligrosas; unas bandas cuyas principales operaciones en Europa se sitúan en España, Bélgica, Países Bajos y Alemania. El estudio cifra en más de 25.000 las personas que integran las 821 redes criminales de riesgo activas en variedad de crímenes...



En Génova (calle) tiene tajo europol.


No mencionan en la conferencia de prensa del asunto ninguno de las 821 redes, que es lo que me interesaba, algo asi como un listado de mayor importancia a menor.

EU2024BE | Europol press conference: Decoding the most threatening criminal networks

Resumen de la conf de prensa por ia eng
(Funciona un poco mal porque al terminar el stream han metido musica y la ia que resume se ha chinado un poco)


Certainly! Organized crime poses a significant challenge across Europe, and various criminal networks operate within the European Union. Here are some notable **organized crime organizations** based on available information:

1. *'Ndrangheta*: Originating from the state of Calabria in Italy, the 'Ndrangheta is one of the **richest and most powerful criminal organizations** globally. It has been the focus of several raids in Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and Belgium².

2. *Camorra*: Hailing from the Campania region in Italy, the Camorra is another major Italian Mafia network. It plays a significant role in organized crime within Italy³.

3. **Cosa Nostra**: The Sicilian Mafia, also known as Cosa Nostra, has deep roots in Sicily, Italy. It remains a powerful criminal organization despite efforts to dismantle it².

4. **Chinese Triads**: These criminal networks have a presence in Europe. Originating from China, they engage in various illicit activities, including drug trafficking and extortion.

5. **Colombian Cartels**: Although primarily associated with South America, Colombian drug cartels have extended their reach into Europe, participating in drug trafficking and other criminal enterprises.

6. **Turkish Clans**: Turkish organized crime groups operate across Europe, involved in activities such as drug trafficking, human smuggling, and extortion.

7. **Russian Gangs**: Russian criminal networks have a foothold in Europe, with involvement in diverse criminal activities.

8. **Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMGs)**: These motorcycle clubs, such as the Hells Angels and Bandidos, have expanded their influence in various European countries, engaging in organized crime.

9. **Migrant Smuggling Networks**: These networks facilitate illegal migration, often exploiting vulnerable individuals seeking better opportunities in Europe.

10. **Environmental Crime Networks**: While not traditionally associated with organized crime, these networks engage in illegal activities related to wildlife trafficking, illegal waste disposal, and other environmental offenses¹⁴.

Efforts to combat organized crime involve cooperation among EU member states, agencies, and other partners. The **European multi-disciplinary platform against criminal threats (EMPACT)** plays a crucial role in dismantling criminal networks and addressing key threats¹. In the latest EMPACT cycle (2022-2025), significant results were achieved, including arrests, victim identification, and seizures of illicit goods¹. The fight against organized crime remains an ongoing priority for the European Union, emphasizing the need for coordinated action and innovative strategies¹.

Origen: Conversación con Bing, 5/4/2024
(1) What you need to know: Europe's crime networks – DW – 12/05/2018. https://www.dw.com/en/italian-mafia-bikers-berlin-clans-europes-crime-gangs/a-46602157.
(2) ORGANISED CRIME IN THE EU – POLITICO. https://www.politico.eu/article/organised-crime-in-the-eu/.
(3) The EU's fight against organised crime - Consilium. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/policies/eu-fight-against-crime/.
(4) Organized crime in Europe: A country-by-country breakdown. https://themobmuseum.org/blog/organized-crime-in-europe-a-country-by-country-breakdown/.
(5) Criminality in Europe - The Organized Crime Index. https://ocindex.net/continent/europe.


3 paises con los 3 principales puertos europeos y el más poblado, lógico que España esté en los países con más presencia, es de los más poblados, muchos puertos para la entrada de mercancías ilegales y un buen clima para que se asiente mucho mafioso aquí.


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