Hace 6 años | Por --546793-- a bbc.com
Publicado hace 6 años por --546793-- a bbc.com

"Mira qué bellas las formas que se hacen en el agua por la fuerza del viento", dice Nicolas Remy, señalando un paisaje que en unas horas podría tornarse catastrófico.



Hace unos días leí este post en Reddit de un superviviente de Katrina (https://www.zombiehunters.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16627). Es largo y cuenta punto por punto lo que le funcionó, lo que no le funcionó, etc. Lo peor después del huracán, si has decidido no evacuar, es la sensación de abandono y caos reinante, en mi opinión.

"The 3 things I remember most about the time was the oppressive heat & sun during the day and pitch black nights and the chaos and uncertainty of the whole situation. "

"Attempt to create appearance of many more people than you have. A group of 6 to 10 is more likely to thrive than a small group. A person alone is in great danger and should consider leaving."

"The nights were stressful due to the darkness and unusual quiet. Without power there were no A/C compressors, no cars and no people sounds. The only sounds were frogs croaking (yes in the city frogs) and silence. My generator installation was no noisier than an A/C unit. But with the central A/C units and the generator we were the noisiest thing for many blocks. Add inside and outside lights and we stood out for some distance. Hence the concern about security at night. "

"The LEO & national guard will be hot, tired, scared and grumpy! Avoid them at all costs. They will be well armed, better trained and are more likely to shoot you than the looters. Always approach them slowly with your hands visible and in a non-threatening manner. Politeness (though not submission like you are guilty of something) and a smile on your face and a comment like “Boy am I glad to see you guys, thanks for the help”. If you are unsure of the situation extend your hand in a handshake. Their actions will tell volumes as to their intent. Never curse them, do offer them a cold coke or water. If you do not have a cold drink, say I would offer you guys one but I don’t have one.

The USCG were the best guys, they were most useful, professional and least dangerous (as long as you were not hostile to them) the worst were the National Guard units and local PD. They were stressed out lost their homes separated from loved ones etc. They were heavily armed and dangerous. No offense intended to any member of these units but that is my observation. "

"I made many forays into the city with friends and family. Some were clandestine and others were overt and authorized. I passed looters actively looting stores and was shot at on at least one occasion."

Una vez ha pasado la tormenta, si la ciudad queda anegada e incomunicada empieza la verdadera odisea. Yo no tentaría mi suerte. Mejor estar lejos y volver cuando todo ha vuelto a la normalidad. Una ciudad sin electricidad y con gente armada hasta las cejas se me antoja lo más parecido a The Walking Dead.


#2 Tremendo lo que dice de la Guardia Nacional

They will be well armed, better trained and are more likely to shoot you than the looters

Les tienen más miedo que a los ladrones (porque tienen el gatillo más fácil) y hay que acercarse a ellos con mucho tiento y actitud muy claramente amistosa para que no te peguen un tiro por las buenas. Vaya servicios de rescate, alucinante.


#5 Ten en cuenta que no están tan civilizados como los canadienses o los cubanos


#5 Tremendo si. Confieso que cuando estaba leyendo eso pensé que siendo Nueva Orleans probablemente el autor fuese afroamericano, pero no, unos comentarios más abajo deja claro que es blanco, de mediana edad y que su familia ha vivido en la ciudad desde hace décadas.

"Let me provide a little more background on me, though for privacy sake. I will not be too forthcoming. I am white and middle aged; I have done very well in life. Metairie is not in New Orleans proper so the NOPD had no jurisdiction in Metairie. Sheriff Harry Lee was in charge for better or worse he did things differently in Jefferson parish. My family has lived in New Orleans long enough to have participated in the first battle of New Orleans. "


Uno de mis mejores amigos hace un par de años que trabaja en Miami, y ha tenido la suerte de que le ha enganchado aquí en casa de sus padres de vacaciones (hoy tenía el vuelo para volver, que obviamente ha sido cambiado de día) Y está por una parte aliviado por estar lejos del huracán, y por otra preocupado porque no sabe qué se encontrará al volver.


Tira 1d20.


Los caimanes se les podrían comer.
Que la protección estatal sea una mierda. Que el concepto de estado sea otra mierda. Que lo anterior no se discuta , otra mierda, en fin.
En el resto del caribe se apañan como pueden y no son la potencia más y más mundial.