Hace 8 años | Por hematocrito a esquire.com
Publicado hace 8 años por hematocrito a esquire.com

La historia del reportero de guerra CJ Chivers, experto en armamento, y de su vuelta a Nueva York cansado de tanta guerra.



" And among the 120mm mortars they had been firing were Spanish-made rounds that were a clustering munition that had never been seen in combat before. This was a serious problem, because we now know that the Spaniards had sold the mortars to the Qaddafi government just as Spain was preparing to join the international convention that banned them."


#0 Gran meneo. Gracias.


#0 Yo en tu lugar traduciría el titular literalmente y, en la entradilla, pondría un trozo del artículo, también traducido.

Te lo digo porque es posible que te tiren el meneo por microblogging.