Hace 9 años | Por dirlego1 a en.alalam.ir
Publicado hace 9 años por dirlego1 a en.alalam.ir

Documentos secretos oficiales sobre la búsqueda de tres camiones pertenecientes al servicio de inteligencia turco (MIT) han sido filtrados online, demostrando una vez más que el gobierno de turquía no ha estado jugando limpio en Siria.



#2 Seguís siendo conspiranoicos.

Turquía e Israel son aliados estratégicos porque viendo la zona no hay mucho para elegir, pero tanto como llamrlos occidente...


#6 El tema no se simplifica en "lo que hay para elegir". El tema es la pugna histórica entre chíies y sunníes. Luego está que cuando el Reino Unido dejó de ser potencia mundial, los estadounidenses heredaron los problemas coloniales de estos en la zona así como sus aliados; entre los alíados estaban los teócratas follacabras de los Wahabíes a los que en su día los ingleses echaron contra el Imperio Otomano (Lawrence de Arabia) y luego les dieron un reino. De aquellos polvos...


#2 No te metas con los amigos del golfo. Un respeto.


#12 tu solo lees el Mortadelo y el la razon no?



Foreign involvement in the Syrian Civil War refers to political, military and operational support to parties involved in the Syrian Civil War, as well as to incidents of unintentional foreign involvement. The Syrian Civil War has received significant international attention, and both the Syrian government and the opposition have received support, militarily, logistically and diplomatically, from foreign countries.

The Syrian government is supported by Iran and Hezbollah, both involved in the war politically, logistically and militarily. Hezbollah fields soldiers in the conflict. The Syrian government also receives arms and political support from Russia.

The main Syrian opposition body - the Syrian coalition - receives logistic and political support from major Sunni states in the Middle East, most notably Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. France, Britain and the US have also provided political, military and logistic support to the opposition. The major Syrian Kurdish opposition group, the PYD, was reported to get logistic and training support from Iraqi Kurdistan. Islamist militants in Syria were reported to receive support from private funders, mainly from the Arabian Peninsula area, as well as from ISIL.[citation needed]

The Syrian Civil War has spilled across its borders and most notably affected Lebanon, where the sectarian violence related to the Syrian war has already resulted in more than 200 deaths; the incidents mostly include infighting between Lebanese Sunnis and Alawites, as well as violence between Hezbollah and Syrian rebel-affiliated groups near the Syrian-Lebanese border. The Syrian Army has also performed a number of strikes on Lebanese territory against Syrian rebel-affiliated targets. During 2013, the violence of Syrian Civil War had begun to increasingly penetrate Iraq, resulting as a merger of Iraqi insurgency and Syrian Civil War - both conflicts between Sunnis and Shias, with Iraqi Jihadists engaging in fights with Syrian Army in border areas. A number of alleged strikes against Hezbollah and Iranian targets within Syrian territory during 2013 were attributed to Israel. Incidents involving the Syrian Army and Syrian rebels also took place on Jordanian, Israeli and most significantly Turkish borders with Syria.

France and Britain

On November 2011, NATO said it had no intention of taking military action in Syria, after it closed its seven-month campaign in Libya.[54] On that same month, Libyan rulers offered weapons, money and potential volunteers,[55] it was reported that 600 rebel fighters have gone from Libya to Syria in order to support the rebels.[56]

In June 2012, Reuters suggested that the prospect of British special forces entering Syria on the ground is growing, following unconfirmed reports from an Israeli website that SAS Commandos were conducting covert operations within Syrian territory, operating from Turkey on 26 June 2012.[57]

At a conference in Paris in 2012, Western and Sunni Arab countries nonetheless announced they were going to "massively increase" aid to the Syrian opposition.[58]

In 2012, the United States,[59] United Kingdom[60] and France[61] provided opposition forces with non-lethal military aid, including communications equipment and medical supplies. The U.K. was also reported to have provided intelligence support from its Cyprus bases, revealing Syrian military movements to Turkish officials, who then pass on the information to the FSA.[62]

A crucial line of support began in spring 2012 as Saudi Arabia and Qatar announced they would begin arming and bankrolling the opposition.[63][64] Paul Salem, director of the Carnegie Middle East Centre in Beirut, and Emile Hokayem of the International Institute of Strategic Studies argued such support would be unlikely to immediately make a decisive impact.[65][66] A ship carrying weapons from Libya believed destined for Syria's rebels has also been intercepted.[67] Qatar is reported to be shipping arms to Sunni Islamists in Syria as a means of cementing alliances in the Middle East.[68]

On 22 April 2013 the European Union lifted its embargo on Syrian oil to import barrels directly from rebel groups. Several of the oil fields are believed to be under control of Jabhat al-Nusra. Some analysts say the decision might also set up a deadly competition between rebel groups over the resource.[69]

In late August 2013 a number of commercial pilots and local residents have reported seeing increased numbers of British military aircraft at RAF Akrotiri including C-130 transports and fighter aircraft.[70]

A vote was held within the British House of Commons on 29 August 2013 to decide whether the United Kingdom would join the United States in initiating militant action against the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian Government. Despite support from the Prime Minister David Cameron, the motion was defeated by 285 votes to 272. Cameron said that he would respect this Parliamentary decision and that the United Kingdom would not partake in military action against Syria.[71]

On 19 September 2013, French President François Hollande hinted that France was ready to begin supplying lethal aid to the Free Syrian Army during a press conference in Bamako in a "controlled framework". Hollande told the conference that "On delivering weapons we have always said that we want to control these supplies so that they do indeed go to the Free Syrian Army ... because they represent the Syrian National Coalition that we recognise as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people and today they are caught between a hammer and an anvil. The hammer is the air strikes and actions of the Syrian regime and the anvil is radical Islam.”[72]
United States
Covert United States foreign regime
change actions
1949 Syrian coup d'état
1953 Iranian coup d'état
1954 Guatemalan coup d'état
1959 Tibetan uprising
1961 Cuba, Bay of Pigs Invasion
1963 South Vietnamese coup
1964 Brazilian coup d'état
1973 Chilean coup d'état
1976 Argentine coup d'état
1979–89 Afghanistan, Operation Cyclone
1980 Turkish coup d'état
1981–87 Nicaragua, Contras


Further information: 2014 American intervention in Syria

Under the administration's division of labor, the State Department is in charge of supplying nonlethal aid (includes food rations and pickup trucks, not tanks and bullets), while the C.I.A. runs a covert program to arm and train the Syrian rebels.[73]

In June 2012, the Central Intelligence Agency was reported to be involved in covert operations along the Turkish-Syrian border, where agents investigated rebel groups, recommending arms providers which groups to give aid to. Agents also helped opposition forces develop supply routes, and provided them with communications training.[74] CIA operatives distributed assault rifles, anti-tank rocket launchers and other ammunition to Syrian opposition. The State Department has reportedly allocated $15 million for civilian opposition groups in Syria.[10]

In July 2012, the United States government granted a non-governmental organization called Syrian Support Group a license to fund the Free Syrian Army.[75]

In early March 2013, a Jordanian security source revealed that the United States, Britain, and France were training non-Islamist rebels in Jordan. In an effort to strengthen secular elements in the opposition as a bulwark against Islamic extremism, and to begin building security forces to maintain order in the event of Bashar al-Assad's fall.[76] In April 2013, also in Jordan, the United States had set up a $70 million program in the country "that is training the kingdom's special forces to identify and secure chemical-weapons sites across Syria should the regime fall and the wrong rebels look like getting their hands on them."[77]

In April 2013, the Obama administration promised to double non-lethal aid to rebels, specifically to $250 million.[78]

On 13 June, government officials state that the Obama administration, after days of high-level meetings, has approved providing lethal arms to the Supreme Military Council (SMC).[79] The SMC is a rebel command structure that includes representatives from most major rebel groups, and excludes the Islamic extremist elements.[80] The decision was made shortly after the administration has concluded that the Assad government has used chemical weapons on opposition forces, thus crossing the "red line" drawn by Obama earlier in 2012.[81] The arms will include small arms and ammunition, and possibly anti-tank weapons.[82] However, they will not include anti-aircraft weapons, something repeatedly requested by the armed opposition.[82] Further such weapons would be supplied by the US "on our own timeline".[83] The United States is also considering a no-fly zone in southern Syria, which would allow a safe place to equip and train rebels.[84]

During September 2013, it was reported by US officials that under "a covert CIA program," small arms and anti tank weapons had begun reaching some moderate rebel groups. Although Free Syrian Army Commander Salim Idriss denied receiving lethal aid, some analysts commented that information on US arms may not have reached Idriss due to poor communications as the Free Syrian Army command was based in Northern Syria whilst weapons were reportedly reaching rebel groups in the south.[85]

In December 2013, The United States suspended the shipments of nonlethal military aid including food rations, medical kits and pickup trucks after warehouses of equipment were seized by the Islamic Front. The Islamic Front is a coalition of Islamist fighters that broke with the American-backed Free Syrian Army, a secular Syrian opposition.[73]

Obama administration is considering the resumption of nonlethal military aid to Syria's moderate o


#13 El articulo de The Guardian habla de hechos sucedidos en 2013, la guerra civil en Siria comenzó en Marzo de 2011, cuando el dictador genocida de Bashar Al Assad sacó los tanques contra las manifestaciones de la primavera arabe.

Alucinante ver como manipulas e intentas engañar para que se diga el mensaje que a ti te tanto te gusta, pero no por ello se va a convertir en verdad. Lo dicho, eres un manipulador y un mentiroso.

Vuestra defensa de la dictadura asesina que hay en Siria desde hace 45 años, es acojonante. lol
Una cosa está clara, el hijo de puta de Bashar Al Assad morira tarde o temprano, tan solo espero que su muerte sea tan terrible como la que ha causado a decenas de miles de ciudadanos sirios durante mas de 40 años de dictadura Al Assad.


#14 pero que pasa que eres tan cortito que tengo que ponerte en negrita y subrayarte todo el articulo de la wikipedia para que te enteres que hay un millon de pruebas y ademas esta reconocido por mil fuentes?


#15 Wikipedia la puede editar cualquiera, incluso tu o yo.. asi que permiteme el lujo de no creerme lo que diga la wiki en este caso... yo prefiero creerme lo que vi hace casi 4 años, en Marzo de 2011, cuando el dictador asesino de Al Assad sacó los tanques y al ejercito contra las manifestaciones pacíficas que tanto le molestaban. No olvides que todos los sectores de izquierdas de España aplaudieron las marchas de la primavera arabe, ahora parece que algunos sectores estais con la dictadura asesina de Al Assad.
Vuestra doble vara es acojonante... pero tranquilo, a Al Assad le pillaran y le haran lo que durante tantos años ha hecho ese malnacido dictador.


Este es el país del que se está estudiando su adhesión a la Unión Europea. Espero tomen con calma dicha decisión.


Que el ISIS diga que Ala no le ha ordenado atacar Israel es como para que todo el mundo empieze a sospechar que es lo que pasa alli...


Si Atatürk levantará la cabeza... Pena de Turquía, en que se está convirtiendo.


la palabra pertenecientes, esta inccorrectamente escrita


Menuda sorpresa. Pero... para que tenemos el futbol? Aquí no ha pasado nada. Circulen.


Dato: Turquía es aliado de occidente.


#5 Segundo más grande, no más importante.
Difícilmente veo al ejercito turco ser más importante que el francés, alemán o inglés


#1 Y lo mejor de todo es que esas armas las proporcionará Israel,y las habrá pagado Arabia Saudita.


El enemigo de mi enemigo es mi amigo... hay que derrocar al dictador genocida de Bashar Al Assad, cueste lo que cueste.

Hay que recordar que Bashar Al Assad está en el poder por que su papi dio un golpe de estado en el año 1970 y le heredo la presidencia/dictadura a su hijo tras su muerte en el año 2000... y toda la actual situacion en Siria comenzó cuando ese dictador asesino de Bashar, sacó a los tanques y militares contra los manifestantes en Marzo del 2011.


#8 claro claro Turquia, las dictaduras del golfo y amigos no tuvieron nada que ver


#11 Tienes pruebas de lo que dices, o solo repites como los loros lo que han dicho unos locos de la conspiración¿?
No, si ahora resulta que las primaveras arabes que tanto se aplaudieron desde todos los sectores de la izquierda en España, va a ser que fueron todos orquestados por Turquia, las dictaduras del golfo y amigos. Yo alucino con personajes como tú. lol