Hace 23 días | Por fromtherivertot... a haaretz.com
Publicado hace 23 días por fromtherivertothesea a haaretz.com

En una discusión en clase, la niña dijo que los niños de Gaza se morían de hambre. Los compañeros de clase dijeron que su pueblo debería arder, y presuntamente la atacaron después de clase. La escuela comunicó a los padres que la habían suspendido para protegerla, pero funcionarios del Ministerio de Educación la acusaron de "incitar contra el ejército". Sus compañeros del instituto Zilberman la culparon de apoyar a Hamás, la maldijeron y le dijeron cosas como "deberían quemar tu pueblo". El padre de la niña decidió no enviar a su otra hija al i



#4 usar el comodín de Netanyahu es para quitarle peso al pueblo de Israel, pero lo cierto es que su pueblo es ideologícamente igual.


Peores que los nazis.


Es muy triste, pero esto solo lo arregla una severa derrota de Israel, como ocurrió con Alemania. De no ser así... qué mal rollo.


Vaya sociedad de mierda la israelí, colonos militares enfermos de odio en una espiral que va a peor, generación tras generación.

Israel debe desaparecer.


#7 The group also wrote, "Such a scathing incident within the school walls influences all the students, the teaching staff and the community of parents. It also threatens relations between all members of the school community."

Students at Zilberman High School celebrate the student's suspension, in a video uploaded to the web.
Credit: Screenshot from TikTok


https://archive. ph/JSlD7


#1 A Be'er Sheva high school suspended an Israeli Arab pupil last week after she expressed solidarity with Gazan children.
Her classmates at Zilberman High School blamed her of supporting Hamas, cursed her and said things to her like "your village should be burned down." The girl's father decided not to send his other daughter to the school, fearing that students would harass her. He said other Arab students at the school were also staying away.
The Education Ministry commented that she would be suspended due to her behavior until an inquiry into the matter would be completed, and to prevent tension between her and other students.

The 12-year-old girl, a seventh grader, told Haaretz that in a class discussion, she said that small children were suffering from and dying of hunger in Gaza. She said her classmates started attacking her when class ended. "The students started saying to me: 'Our soldiers aren't murderers,' even though I hadn't said that." She added: "And others cursed me. They asked me if I supported Palestine. I told them that I don't, and that I only in favor of small children in Gaza returning to their homes."
The girl's father said that all the children from her grade then gathered around her and shouted at her: "Your village should be burned down." They also made other derogatory statements. Video clips from the school were spread on social media, triggering many comments inciting to violence against the girl.
"Students started gathering around her very quickly. The entire grade came and accused her of calling for the liberation of Palestine, which didn't happen" the father said. He added, "The teacher didn't try to help the girl and explain what she had said. She simply left the girl on her own against the students, until another teacher noticed the situation and took her to the principal."

The principal called the girl's father, told him what had happened and informed him that the girl would be suspended for a few days. "The principal told me that she was trying to solve the problem in their way, and that they would let me know on Tuesday what's happening," he recalled. "She said the girl would be suspended so they could see which way the winds were blowing." He said he was told the girl was being suspended to prevent her from attacks and harassment.
The Education Ministry commented initially that the school suspended her "in light of her behavior, and until the end of the inquiry into her matter." The ministry later commented that her suspension was also meant to prevent tension with the students and harm to her. It added, "An inquiry with the school indicates that the student engaged in incitement against IDF soldiers, and harsh invectives toward students who lost first-degree relatives during the events of October 7 and in the war."
Education Ministry officials said that only after the incident did one of the students turn to the administration and claim retroactively that the girl had hurled accusations against a relative of hers who had been killed on October 7. The girl denies the allegations. "I never said such a thing," she said. "I'm a new student and don't have any connection with students.
She said that she's afraid to return to school. "They put false things about me on social media – that I support Palestine and engage in incitement," she said. She noted that because she wears a hijab, students have been asking her since the school year began if she supports Hamas. "I don't answer them. I just get in their faces," she said.

Her father also denies fervently that his daughter has incited against soldiers. "The school never approached me and told me such a thing. The school year just started," he noted. He then wondered aloud, "When did she have time to do all this?"
The father decided on Sunday not to send his second daughter to school either. He feared students would harass her, too. He said that other parents of Arab students in the school kept their children home out of fear they'd be harassed, and to show solidarity with the suspended girl. The father also said he had proposed to the principal that he would come himself to the classroom and speak with the students ahead of his daughter's return to school, but she refused.
The Shutafut/Sharaka coexistence NGO asked the principal on Monday to treat the incident as "a mob scene of harsh verbal violence and incitement against Arabs in general, and toward Arab students in the school in particular." It sent a letter stating, "Calls by a mob of worked-up students constitute an explicit threat and nationally-based incitement to violence, and thereby create a dangerous environment for students who are the targets.




más carnaza para el minuto de odio de MNM