Hace 9 años | Por dirlego1 a theguardian.com
Publicado hace 9 años por dirlego1 a theguardian.com

Invocar la amenaza Del terrorismo es el mecanismo más comun usado para denegar a los ciudadanos la libertad de expresión en el siglo 21.



"Authorities are once again sounding the cyber-terrorist alarm, promoting a “Free Speech vs North Korea” showdown because the attackers were allegedly angry about The Interview, a comedy about a CIA plot to assassinate Kim Jong Un (which Sony reportedly consulted with the State Department and the right-wing RAND Corporation to produce). I am not able to see the movie from prison, so I can’t give you a proper critique; maybe it is amusing but, considering the CIA’s long and vicious history of assassinations, secret prisons, torture, extrajudicial executions-by-drone and overthrowing democratically-elected governments to install dictatorships, it is not at all surprising Sony would get hacked for making a movie gloating about that."


Para los políticos es básico tener un malo del que protegernos,porque si no acabaremos dándonos cuenta de que no los necesitamos....al menos,no a este tipo de políticos...