Hace 5 meses | Por ddomingo a youtube.com
Publicado hace 5 meses por ddomingo a youtube.com

En Rusia, decenas de manifestantes han sido detenidos tras enfrentamientos con la policía antidisturbios en la región central de Bashkortostán. Miles de personas se manifestaron en la ciudad de Baymak después de que un activista medioambiental fuera condenado a cuatro años de cárcel por supuesta incitación al odio. La policía empleó la fuerza y gases lacrimógenos para dispersar a los manifestantes, y varias personas resultaron heridas. Según las estrictas leyes rusas contra las manifestaciones, los manifestantes declarados culpables de l...



“no es un activista ambiental” pero la noticia que aportas dice lo siguiente;
Alsinov también participó en protestas en defensa del Shikhan (montaña solitaria), un monumento natural en Kushtau, que las autoridades baskir querían regalar por la minería de piedra caliza.[…]
En abril de 2023, Fail Alsinov tomó parte en las protestas en el pueblo de Ishmurzino, en el distrito de Baymak de Bashkortostán, contra la minería de oro en la cordillera de Irandyk.

Y además está en contra de que la guerra de Putin se libre con etnias minoritarias, con toda la razón, y llama a la movilización un genocidio contra su pueblo, cosa que no me extraña en absoluto.


Desde aquí mando un saludo y doy mis respetos a esa gente que aún exponiéndose a hasta 50 años de cárcel tienen la valentía de alzarse en pie y protestar contra las injusticias de Putin. Sois los verdaderos héroes de Rusia y os merecéis algo mucho mejor que esa piara de tarados ultraconservadores que es la camarilla de Putin y su régimen nacional ortodoxista. Y todo español debería ver a esta gente como vemos a los luchadores antifranquistas, cada día hay más pruebas de que esos dos regímenes cada día se parecen más en todos los sentidos.


In Russia dozens of protesters have been arrested after clashes with Riot pólice in the central region of bash couristan. Thousands of people demonstrated there after an environmental activist was sentenced to four years in prison for allegedly inciting ethnic hatred. His supporters say that he is facing persecution for his political views rare images from today's Russia a country where even peaceful Street protests are met with a harsh response. Police dispersing demonstrators in the town of Bak with the help of tear gas and stun grenades.

It all began after a judge sentenced a local activist to four years in prison F Al was taken into custody after the ruling "my huge thanks to you all who came to support me I will never forget this I do not plead guilty I have always been struggling for justice for my people for my Republic so God willing we will see each other again". As the veredict was announced hundreds of demonstrators who gathered outside began chanting slogans in his support security forces intervened and at least several arrests followed alv has been a prominent. Eco activist in the central Russian región of cstan has also campaigned for the protection of the regional Bashir language and condemned Russia's war in Ukraine. He was sentenced for a comment considered racist by the authorities but which he says was mistranslated. The ruling led not only to Street protests but emotional pleas by his supporters on social media. "I am calling on all fighters from bash cstan to to leave the territory of Ukraine and return to their home región to defend their land and their people while you are fighting for the Ambitions of one person, your people are being beaten up by Security Forces".

After the hours long standoff Riot police finally dispersed the demonstrators. The rally in Bak has been one of the biggest protests in Russia since the Kremlin began its war in Ukraine. As the jailed activist begins to serve his sentence it appears that some of his supporters may follow him authorities have launched a criminal case into Mass riots, a crime with a punishment of up to 15 years in jail.

I want to go now to DW zri retto he joins us now from Ria in laia Ria of course is where our Bureau is following the closure of our office in Russia. Yuri these protests they they ended just a few hours ago, what made so many people people take to the streets?. I think brand people protested for two reasons obviously the first reason was obviously the punishment of a popular popular environmental activist who who not only fought for the environment by the way but also became yeah kind of symbol of the fight against the arbitrary actions of the authorities and that brings us to the second reason. This is obviously about people accumulated anger their dissatisfaction with their own government because they not only loudly demanded the release of the imprisoned activist but also the resignation of the Bashir prime minister. Slogans such as we are a free people and shame were chanted and I have to say that the people of basharan have a particularly strong sense of Freedom as they've been protesting against the destruction of the environment there for years and often with success. I've been to such protests several times myself as a reporter and can say that yes this region has clearly a lot of potential for protest.

What do we know about this environmental activist? Why are thousands of people willing to take to the streets to demonstrate for his freedom? well f alov is a very well-known person in the Republic of bashkortostan until recently he haded an NGO that campaigned for bash cartan's independence from Russia. Of course this NGO was banned and classified. Meanwhile as extremist .The reason why the police are now accusing alov on inciting ethnic hatred was a statement he made during the environmental protest in April this year back then in his speech he referred to foreign migrant in the region from the Caucasus as black people. That alone was enough for the authorities now to send him for to prison for four years.

The protesters however believe that the real reason was to silence the best known activist someone who has always expressed their wishes their demands and their dissatisfaction with those in power. In other words from the people's point of view the real reason is to restrict their freedom of expression and how does this Yuri Play Into The Wider picture? I'm thinking of politics in Russia I'm thinking of Vladimir Putin's grip on power I mean there there is an election coming up absolutely brand speaking generally about Russian politics now I mean today's demonstration is certainly at thir in Putin's as the people from the region somewhere behind the Euros are sending a signal to Moscow that they are able to protest. Regardless of whether they are doing so intentionally or not and this despite the fact that Russia now has very strict anti-d demonstration laws, you can go to the take to the street in Russia you with the empty piece of paper and be arrested. In exactly two months you said it a president will be elected in Russia. Putin wants to be reelected and clearly within overwhelming majority and it doesn't go so well. There are those who think differently even though their protest was not directly against Putin however it is dangerous for those in power for the Kremlin because it quickly turned into a political protest with fundamental demands.

The protest was crushed harsh harshly with teas and sticks with several arrests and also criminal charges. These reactions clearly shows that the Russian authorities are at least taking it very seriously.


#10 Go to #12 Todo eso forma parte de la noticia. Obviamente en la entradilla no se llega a todo.


La noticia está un pelín (ahem) manipulada. La venden como un activista medioambiental que se opone a Putin y a la guerra de Ucrania. Aquí hay una crónica un poco más realista.

No es un "activista mediambiental". Es un independentista de Bashkortostan. Tampoco está contra la guerra de Ucrania, se opone a la movilización de población de Bashkortostan porque entiende que esta no es su guerra y que si Moscú quiere esa guerra, que envíe rusos.

Y sí, la protesta ha reunido miles de personas, pero no para protestar contra Putin por su política internacional, sino para protestar contra el centralismo moscovita y apoyar la independencia de Bashkortostan. Es una situación similar a las que hay dentro de España con el Pais Vasco o Cataluña.


En el caso de manifestaciones de las madres y hermanas contra la movilización para ir al frente, imaginemos que los que están en el frente pasándolas putas y que no están incomunicados, se enteran de que están deteniendo a sus familias... a lo mejor baja el desempeño, a lo mejor dan media vuelta, a lo mejor se entregan a la mínima, a lo mejor se enfrentan a los mandos...

Hay gente que puede pasar por estándolo mal él, pero la familia puede ser una linea roja.


#11 hay un par de vídeos de Juanjo prego (crónicas de la estepa rusa es su canal) que habla de eso. En Rusia puede que apalear a un opositor a Putin tenga poca importancia, pero golpear o detener a la madre o la esposa de un soldado es cosa mayor y eso puede hacer que la población no tolere esas cosas. En cualquier caso la maquinaria represiva rusa funciona muy bien y supongo que tendrán medios para sofocar esto al coste que sea.


Próximas noticias

Miles de personas protestan se caen por la ventana en Rusia


Se les manda presos y luego se les ofrece conmutar la pena si van a morir al frente. Arreglado.
Si es que en Occidente complicamos demasiado las cosas.


Qué suda la polla.


¿Qué significa? Que le va a salir caro a Putin.

Al precio que esta el gramo de Plutonio se ve a cagar.


A ver si los habituales meneantes y opinólogos de este conflicto nos aclaran si esto es propaganda de la OTAN o son rusos que no son mala gente, animales mitológicos para ellos.

¿@asterissco ?

#3 es una manifestación. Supongo que habrá apagado las cámaras de trafico para que no se viera, así a la madrileña.
Bueno no, que estamos leyendo la noticia.


#3 te falta la opción de que sean espías Ucranianos


#3 #6 ¿Pero habéis visto como está Rusia?

Seguro que son caminantes blancos. Winter is coming.


#3 que hay que aclarar?

#16 ¿Qué tipo de propaganda es esta? ¿Espías ucranianos, un montaje de la OTAN, algún motivo que se me escapa o simplemente son rusos admirables que merecen nuestros respetos?


#17 que pasa?

#18 Por lo visto, que no sabe entender una pregunta sencilla, se la formule como se la formule, que van tres veces que se la hago, señor odiador de rusos.


#19 odiador de Rusos? dios mio jajajaja

esos pobres serán los mas perjudicados de su gobierno totalitario y fascista

#20 Gracias por la aclaración, retiro lo dicho, sería una confusión mía.