Hace 1 mes | Por Tkachenko a x.com
Publicado hace 1 mes por Tkachenko a x.com

El momento en el que colonos sionistas venidos de Occidente, robaron la casa de una anciana palestina de la familia Al-Kurd, a la que agredieron y enviaron al hospital, en el barrio de Sheik Jarrah, en Jerusalen este. Este es el dia a dia de los palestinos desde hace 76 años.



#2 Se trata de hacer el mal, insuflar odio, estar del lado de los matones y reivindicar a las malas personas porque todo lo demás es ser buenista y progre.

Si el matón es Hitler masacrando judíos se ponen de su lado y si luego son los sionistas quienes matan a los semitas pues de cabeza a su vera.


#2 Siempre habrá subnormales en este mundo y lo seguirá habiendo. Lo importante es parar sus tonterías.

Todos sabemos que pasa cuando se deja al mando a un imbécil con déficit en lógica.


#6 En el lado israelí


Pero la guerra la iniciaron los Palestinos ,según sus leyendas urbanas, que tanto entusiasman a Biden y Von der Leyen


El vídeo es del 2009 . No cuesta nada, cuando se mete en actualidad ... advertir de ello...........

Cuesta 2 minutos buscar algo decente, con información decente que ayude a entender el vídeo .... Por ejemplo:


Eso si ayuda a la causa palestina, no el karma 20 de mandar todo el día cosas de X.com sin ton ni son (bulos, sensacionalismo y pasandolo por actualidad)



En el fondo, tanto USA como Europa apoyan a estos fascistas genocidas por una sola razón: para que no vuelvan


#5 Yo no creo que sea eso, todo es pasta. Pero Balfour, el tio mismo de la famosa declaración, era abiertamente antisemita.



#13 Sí, porque estás cosas no pasan allí ¿Verdad?


#24 pasa de todo, yo a los zumbados judíos recogidos por todo el planeta no les tengo ninguna aprecio, todas esas sectas judías son bastante retorcidas y será el veneno que termine destruyendo el país


#29 para que luego digan que no hay antisemitismo. Flipante 


#32 tampoco es antisemitismo, pero es que no son judíos de los de siempre


Ladrones desde el inicio de los tiempos. Pero no les llames ladrones que se ofenden y todo.

Es una vergüenza que esta gentuza pueda entrar en Europa.


Solo deseo ver el día que esa panda de cobardes salga corriendo de Palestina por donde vino.


Dejar no es una forma verbal que usaría un español, diríamos "dejad". Dejar es el puto verbo.

Sabemos que eres un bot y demuestras no saber conjugar nuestros verbos.

Claramente, no hay duda, eres un alien.

Listas negras de sionistas y sus colaboradores en occidente, ya estamos tardando. Igual que el movimiento Metoo.


#7 Mira como de jodida es la cosa que hasta los muy pro israelíes EEUU lo están haciendo


No lo suficiente, puede, pero algo es algo


no pillo lo de vestido de Occidente


Son unos hijos de puta. No puedo decir otra cosa, son unos mierdas y todo lo malo que les ocurra se lo habrán ganado a pulso. ¿Cómo pueden estar tan engañados y tan pagados de si mismos?


Como los fondos buitres amigos de ayuso eh eh eh, bien hilado verdad??? Karma ven a mi!!!


Como sabe que vienen de occidente, dejar de usar Twitter de una vez


#1 Colonos occidente suena menos mal que terroristas vecinos.


#9 igual son de Rusia y Asia central, eso no es occidente, pero entiendo que ser racista es algo positivo cuando se trata de etiquetar a los malos , si estos fuesen africanos seguro que no se nombraba , otra cosa más rubios y pelirrojos existen en toda Asia central , https://whatthedoost.com/2015/11/05/but-you-dont-look-afghan/


#1 Por la fuente es un bulo para mi.


#1 Traen todo el careto de ashkenazies


#16 Y de nazis también...


#23 mermados y zumbados ya sabemos que son, se buscaron todos los judíos fracasados del planeta para se fueran a Israel


Cuidado con estas noticias sin contexto.
Esta casa está en disputa entre judíos y palestinos desde principios del siglo 20.
Un video emocional sin contexto es solo propaganda.
Aporto lo que he encontrado para que se vea que la realidad 3s más confusa.

His house was taken by an Israeli policy known as the “Absentee Law” — basically, the Israeli state, under dubious rationale, can seize private Palestinian land and claim it as “absentee property,” which puts the land under Israeli control. A human rights organization surmises the process like this:

The method worked as follows: settler-related bodies recruited people to declare that the owners of certain properties were absentee landlords. These affidavits were passed onto the Custodian of Absentee Properties, who deemed that they were indeed absentees' assets without any further inspection. Thereafter, the absentees' assets were passed onto the JNF, which passed them onto settlers.

This is beat by beat what happened in the El-Kurd case: two Israeli men mysteriously emerged out of the woodwork to declare that their house belonged to one of their forefathers in 19th century Ottoman Palestine, triggering an Israeli court to declare the El-Kurds as illegitimate owners (apparently without their knowledge), and their house as “absentee property” without an owner. Since the property was now legally ownerless, the Israeli government handed the property to a group of settlers who wanted to move in. The El-Kurd family was forced out of their home at gunpoint in 2009, when Mohammad was 11 years old.

After El-Kurd’s starring turn in the documentary he received support to study abroad in the United States, and now works as a columnist for The Nation and other publications. It’s been really cool seeing his rise as a writer and activist; I can’t imagine what he’s been through at such a young age and I wish him well.




6mo ago

Edited 6mo ago
El-Kurd supports terrorism and is one of the worst people, generally. His acceptance is a bad thing, his claims about his home rest on absolute falsehoods that ignores the home was stolen from Jews, and he regularly traffics in hateful language.

6 downvotes in 9 minutes, with no responses. Nice.


On a few occasions, El-Kurd has alleged that Jewish Israelis and Zionists eat the organs of Palestinians or have an inherent bloodthirstiness.

In his effort to underscore his disgust with and opposition to Israel, El-Kurd has employed perhaps the most potent comparison available today, equating Israelis with Nazis. Aside from being inaccurate, this language is extremely offensive, trivializes the Holocaust and plays into the demonization of Jews.

In a number of instances, El-Kurd has negated the historic connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel.

Denying Jewish indigeneity and using antisemitic tropes while using the Holocaust as a smear against Jews are, in fact, antisemitic things to do.

All of which he’s done.

I can see how much “civil discussion” happens in this subreddit. Point out that someone is an antisemitic supporter of murdering Jews and you get downvoted to hell.




6mo ago
If those tweets in that link are the worst they could dig up on him, he seems pretty solid.

When was his home "stolen from Jews", out of curiosity?



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u/Averla93 avatar

6mo ago
These reasons you listed for him being "the worst" seem really weak dude...



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6mo ago
Denying Jewish indigeneity

I mean, random Jews from Brooklyn are not fucking indigenous to the Levant, and they have no right to show up and steal houses from the natives because of some claim to the land written two millenia ago.




6mo ago
It's insane that you discount a man whose home was literally stolen from him at gunpoint as a child for comparing the country who have his people fenced into an open air prison camp which is slowly getting smaller to the Nazis. Most of the Israelis are about as indigenous to Israel as a white person is to Africa.



u/BornIn1142 avatar

6mo ago
In a number of instances, El-Kurd has negated the historic connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel.

Referring to claims from 2000 years ago as inadequate? I do that on a regular basis.



3 more replies
u/Knightrius avatar

6mo ago
Username checks out



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u/trouty avatar

6mo ago
Fuck the ADL 👍



1 more reply

6mo ago
Ah yes, all of these tweets he posted as an adult surely justifies forcibly removing an 11 year old him and his family from their home at gun point and are not at all a cause of that.




6mo ago

Edited 6mo ago

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6mo ago

Edited 6mo ago
As a Palestinian-American this is one of the hardest things I've ever read in my life because it underscores the sheer hopelessness inherent in being Palestinian. There's literally nothing I can do to help. And anyone who is able to help, is unwilling to help.




6mo ago
The sheer amount of tragedy that's been inflicted on you guys has been disgusting to learn about. I hope it comes to an end in our lifetimes.



4 more replies

6mo ago

Edited 6mo ago
The author is a member of the al-Kurd family; their house is one of several in the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah; as of the Ottoman census of 1905, this neighborhood was 37% Jewish; between 1905 and 1947, Jewish families and the Jewish Agency bought more houses in the neighborhood; in 1947, 100 houses (about half) were owned and inhabited by Jews.

What is often left out of reporting on the topic (and what, I notice, is not touched on at all by Al-Kurd in this piece about how antisemitism is justified) is the fact that Sheikh Jarrah's Jewish families were killed or expelled in 1947.

After the war, their property was seized by the Jordanian government, who used it to house Arab refugees (including the al-Kurd family, who had previously rented a house in West Jerusalem, and had been expelled during the war by the Haganah).

In the early 1970s (after Israel took West Jerusalem during the 1967 war), the former owners of these homes sued for their return; the case dragged on for about ten years, at which point a court ruled that the land belonged to its original owners but that the Palestinian families could not be evicted so long as they paid (court-mandated, vastly-below-market) rent.

The Al-Kurds are among the families that chose not to pay rent; they were evicted.

So to recap, when we are talking about a Jewish court treating the author of this article poorly:

His family did not own (nor do they claim to have ever owned) a house in Jerusalem.

They were made into refugees in 1947 (edit: by the Jews! Sorry for the passive voice folks, I thought I was plenty explicit but hey!), and were provided a home formerly inhabited by Jews (but which they claimed was not actually owned by Jews); they did not pay for this house or buy it from anyone.

They lived in the house (which they didn't claim to have ever owned) without paying anyone rent from 1947 to 2008, when a court evicted them after 40 years of court proceedings.

They could have kept the house indefinitely by paying a rent of $465 a year, for a home that again, I need to stress, they never owned or claimed to own.


#12 ya puestos podias haber pegado todo el Antiguo Testamento que es donde escribieron que es suyo por que lo dijo su dios


#12 No entiendes ni tus propios argumentos lol