Hace 9 años | Por zelfspot a economist.com
Publicado hace 9 años por zelfspot a economist.com

Mientras el desempleo crece de nuevo lentamente, muchos trabajadores se hunden en la pobreza.



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#2 Vaya, a mi no. Yo estoy en Holanda. Casualidad?. No lo creo... (trollface)


The gap between the government-championed economic figures and the reality of many people's lives explains why Mr Rajoy's centre-right Popular Party (PP) has shed half its support since winning an absolute majority at the 2011 general election. The bump in first-quarter unemployment was partly seasonal as temporary Christmas jobs were shed, but the five European regions with the worst unemployment are all in Spain, according to Eurostat figures. Southern Andalucía, Spain's most populous region, leads the list at a whopping 35%. Almost half of the country's unemployed have not worked for more than two years.