Hace 3 años | Por senfet a eu.usatoday.com
Publicado hace 3 años por senfet a eu.usatoday.com

UCLA llegó a un acuerdo con 7 mujeres que acusaron a un ex ginecólogo de abuso sexual en una demanda colectiva. Un juez federal debe aprobar ahora el trato entre los demandantes, que representan a más de 6.000 pacientes del Dr. James Heaps, los regentes de UCLA y el ex médico. El acuerdo propuesto es el último para otorgar pagos a miles de pacientes de médicos varones acusados de agresión sexual y conducta sexual inapropiada [|] 18.000 mujeres pacientes del ex ginecólogo Tyndall (Universidad del Sur de California) recibirán 215 millones dólares



6000 pacientes! 😧


No sé si en usa las indemnizaciones son exageradas, o en España ridículas


En otros medios:

University of California reaches a $73M settlement against former gynecologist accused of sexual misconduct

UC to pay $73 million to victims of alleged sexual abuse by UCLA gynecologist

$73 Million Settlement Is Reached in Sex Abuse Suit Involving U.C.L.A. Gynecologist

University of California agrees to $73M sex abuse settlement over former UCLA gynecologist

La Universidad de California acuerda un acuerdo por abuso sexual de $ 73 millones

UC pagará $ 73 millones a víctimas de presunto abuso sexual por parte de un ginecólogo de UCLA


#1 Relacionado:

Information on the Investigation of Dr. James Heaps

El Dr. Heaps en la Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_M._Heaps

The patient’s attorneys, Jennifer McGrath and Darren Kavinoky, have alleged that Heaps’ celebrity as a high-profile UCLA Health gynecologist whose practice generated millions of dollars to UCLA might have played a role in the way he was treated.
Former UCLA Health gynecologist’s behavior with patient constituted sexual assault, report finds


#1 Relacionado:

In addition to compensation, UCLA has undertaken a series of reforms, including:

-- Implementing a new investigation model for sexual harassment/sexual assault;

-- improved chaperone policies that, among other things, require annual training;

-- notice to patients of reporting options;

-- training for UCLA medical facilities personnel on provider-patient boundaries and on conducting sensitive examinations;

-- enhanced due diligence during the credentialing and re- credentialing process and in connection with UCLA Health's acquisition of a physician or group practice; and

-- appointment of a compliance monitor to facilitate, oversee and evaluate implementation of these institutional changes.

The settlement offers three tiers of compensation:

-- Tier 1: Women who have been pre-identified as class members based on university records will automatically receive a $2,500 payment without any action required on their part. Those who have not been pre-identified can submit a form either online or through the mail to seek their compensation. All Tier 1 victims are also eligible to apply for Tier 2 or Tier 3 compensation;

-- Tier 2: Women who choose to share additional information about their experience(s) with Dr. Heaps may be eligible to receive an additional payment of $10,000, for a total Tier 2 payment of $12,500. Each Tier 2 claim will be reviewed by an impartial, three-person panel that includes a court- appointed special master, a forensic psychologist/psychiatrist and an OB-GYN; and

- Tier 3: Victims who wish to provide further evidence will be interviewed by a member of the special master's team about their experience. Submitting a Tier 3 Claim is optional, and those who participate may be eligible for a total payment between $12,500 and $250,000. An additional $5 million will be set aside for certain claimants within Tier 3, and the panel can make awards in excess of $250,000 in the most serious cases.

"This flexible approach has been successfully employed in other sexual assault settlements," plaintiffs' attorney Amy Zeman said. "Women can choose their level of engagement with the settlement process, and the highest levels of compensation are available to those who were most harmed. Not only will this agreement provide compensation for victims, it requires the university to institute new reforms that will protect women now and going forward."



A ver lo que tardan los médicos a negarse a tratar a mujeres.