Hace 7 años | Por SosSargsyan a technologyreview.es
Publicado hace 7 años por SosSargsyan a technologyreview.es

La mayoría de los participantes de un pequeño ensayo clínico que sufrían un tipo de cáncer altamente mortal llevan en remisión desde hace más de cuatro años, y sin síntomas de volver a desarrollarlo




"Clinical response:
The study population had a median age of 63 years. Thirteen of 19 patients who completed vaccine generation are in remission [68%; 90% confidence interval (CI), 51 to 86%]. Twelve of 17 patients who received at least one dose of vaccine remain alive and in remission (71%; 90% CI, 52 to 89%) at 16.7 to 66.5 months from initiating vaccination, with a median follow-up of 57 months. As a notable example, a 77-year-old female who relapsed within 1 year of primary induction chemotherapy underwent vaccination after achieving a second remission. She remains in remission at 53 months of follow-up from vaccination. No patient has relapsed 1 year after completing the vaccination. The 4-year progression-free survival (PFS) rate is 71% (90% CI, 52 89%). Notably, median PFS and overall survival (OS) have not been reached (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. PFS and OS. Median PFS (A) and OS (B) have not been reached for the 17 patients who received vaccination"