Hace 7 años | Por LoreakMendianT a loreakmendian.com
Publicado hace 7 años por LoreakMendianT a loreakmendian.com

Celebrations were held a few days ago in Errenteria (Gipuzkoa) on the first anniversary of the Fronton being named after Agustina Otarola, to pay tribute to one of the great female raquetistas (racket players) - a variety of Basque pelota played with a racket - to have played the game in its history. We found the event to be very powerful, both aesthetically and as a part of our roots, so we went along to take some photos, with the idea of dedicating today's blog entry to this woman and those who made history with her.



#0 Repásate las normas que sólo mandas cosas de AEDE y de Loreak