Publicado hace 9 años por patricia.sagues a

La película inaugural de este año en Memorimage es 1989 de Anders Østergaard y Erzebet Rácz un estreno mundial que se proyectará de forma simultánea en 15 salas de cine de toda Europa (Copenhague, Londres, Dublín y Helsinki , entre otros). Tras la proyección se ofrecerá un coloquio mediante una conexión en directo, con el resto de salas europeas, donde los asistentes podrán intervenir en directo mediante las redes sociales.



15 salas de toda Europa NO es un "estreno mundial".


#1 Exactamente estas son las ciudades:
Vienna - cohosted by Association of Filmdirectors and at Filmcasino Vienna

Brussels – cohosted by The Danish Cultural Institute and Goethe Institute at Goethe Institute

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sarajevo – cohosted by Sarajevo Film Festival

Sofia – cohosted by Sofia International Film Festival

Zagreb – cohosted by the Human Rights Festival at Doku Kino

Czech Republic
Prague – cohosted by One World at Langhans

Helsinki – cohosted by Doc Point

Athens – cohosted by The Danish Institute at The Danish Institute

Dublin – cohosted by Dublin European Institute

Salerno – cohosted by Salerno Doc at University of Salerno

Riga – cohosted by Riga International Film Festival and The Danish Cultural Institute

The Netherlands
Leeuwarden – cohosted by Noordelijk Film Festival

The Haag – cohosted by Eastern Neighbours Film Festival at Filmhouse The Haag

Oslo – co hosted by FRITT ORD + SUBSTANS FILM

Kristiansand – co hosted by Europabevegelsen, Sørnorsk Filmsenter and Cinemateket at Cinemateket

Lillehammer – co hosted by Østnorsk filmsenter at Lillehammer Kino

Porto – cohosted by Porto Post Docs

Bucharest – cohosted by One World Romania at The Representation of the European Commission in Romania

Moscow – co hosted by Beat Films and Danish Embassy Moscow at Documentary Film Center Moscow

St. Petersburg – cohosted by Beat Films at Erarta Museum

Vladivostok – cohosted by Beat Films at Zarya Centre for Contemporary Art

Edinburgh – cohosted by The Scottish Documentary Institute at Edinburgh College of Art

Belgrade – cohosted by Free Zone Film Festival

Bratislava – cohosted by Slovak Film Institute and One World Film Festival Slovakia at Cinema Lumiere

Reus – cohosted by Memorimage, International Film Festival of Reus at Teatre Bartrina

Göteborg – cohosted by Göteborg International Film Festival at Roy Bio

London - cohosted by Front Line Club London at Front Line Club London

Kyiv – cohosted by the Cinema Club of National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy


Aalborg – Biffen Art Cinema
Aarhus – Øst for Paradis
Ebeltoft – Store Bjørn/Den Danske Filmhøjskole
Esbjerg – Huset
Glostrup – Glostrup Bio
Herlev – Herlev Teaterbio
Holbæk – Kulturbiografen Frysehuset
Humlebæk – Humle Bio
Hvalsø – Hvalsø Bio
Kastrup – Kastrup Bio
Kolding – Nicolai Bio
Copenhagen – Grand Teatret
Korsør – Biografteatret
Lønstrup – Cafe Bio
Mors – Bio Mors
Næstved – Næstved Bio
Odense – Cafébiografen
Ringe - Ringe Bio
Ry – Ry Biograf
Rødovre – Atlas Biograferne
Rødovre – Bio Viften
Skive – Cinema 3
Skælskør – Kosmorama
Slangerup – Slangerup Bio
Stege – Stege Bio
Svaneke – Cassiopeia Bio
Valby – Valby Kino
Vig – Vig Bio

El estreno es mundial porque es la primera vez en todo el mundo que se pasará la película en una sala de cine y es simultáneo porque más de 62 ciudades proyectarán la película a la misma hora para conmemorar los 25 años de la caída del muro de Berlín!
Vaya… Que yo creo que es una noticia bastante interesante.. Y la única ciudad española que está en la lista es Reus….