Hace 12 años | Por Pietrus a mobitacora.wordpress.com
Publicado hace 12 años por Pietrus a mobitacora.wordpress.com

George Colony, CEO of renowned firm Forrester Analyst, recently argued that Social is running out of hours. “Social is also running out of people” stated Colony at Paris during LeWeb Conference that took place last 7, 8 and 9th of December. According to Colony´s statements, Social Market has just touched its bottom and would be seem a saturated market where startups would not have any opportunity to beat users from main social players, I mean Facebook, Twitter or Google+...





#0 Traduce el titular y la entradilla. Usa http://www.google.es/translate


#2 lo siento, lo he esscrito en el idioma de los negocios y en versión original sin subtítulos.