Hace 12 años | Por federicoponl a newyorker.com
Publicado hace 12 años por federicoponl a newyorker.com

In the summer of 2007, Apple released the iPhone, in an exclusive partnership with A.T. & T. George Hotz, a seventeen-year-old from Glen Rock, New Jersey, was a T-Mobile subscriber. He wanted an iPhone, but he also wanted to make calls using his existing network, so he decided to hack the phone. Every hack poses the same basic challenge: how to make something function in a way for which it wasn’t designed. In one respect, hacking is an act of hypnosis. As Hotz describes it, the secret is to figure out how to speak to the device.



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Interesante la historia, pero después del tercer párrafo se pierde el interés, supongo que si a alguien se le ocurre resumirla le traerá buen tráfico.