Hace 10 años | Por RedEduca a rededuca.net
Publicado hace 10 años por RedEduca a rededuca.net

El b1 de inglés es una materia obligada para los jóvenes españoles si quieren acabar sus curso y de eso saben mucho los políticos y deportistas españoles.



Por enésima vez: el relaxing cup of café con leche lo ha escrito un señor americano con inglés nativo. O sea, A2, no B1.

Idos un poquito a tomar por culo con el relaxing cup, por favor.


No sé como se permiten comentarios de personas que faltan el respeto de esa manera.Un saludo


#2 You know what? Fuck off. I've had it up to here with dipshits who think they're being oh so clever with the fucking relaxing cup of café con leche when they're just being ignorant morons who can't even learn about who wrote the goddamn speech.

I couldn't care less if you're still clutching your pearls because I actually was courteous enough to RTFA and didn't even comment about how you're spamming the site, but kindly take the hint and don't bother to come back with your shitty spam of your shitty site.

You fucking tosser.