Hace 13 años | Por --229613-- a dailymail.co.uk
Publicado hace 13 años por --229613-- a dailymail.co.uk

Officials admit they may have to bury reactors under concrete - as happened at Chernobyl The boss of the company behind the devastated Japanese nuclear reactor today broke down in tears - as his country finally acknowledged the radiation spewing from the over-heating reactors and fuel rods was enough to kill some citizens Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency admitted that the disaster was a level 5, which is classified as a crisis causing 'several radiation deaths' by the UN International Atomic Energy... (ENG)



#1 Muchas Gracias. He utilizado el buscador y no me aparecía, incluso no meneame no me ha avisado al incluir el link. No me gusta que meneame no avise correctamente de estas duplicidades


#2 Nada Bueno, algunas veces pasa, pero te dió tiempo a descartar