Hace 10 años | Por Vlemix a youtube.com
Publicado hace 10 años por Vlemix a youtube.com

Activistas palestinos del campo de Yarmouk (Damasco) interpretan una canción en la que animan a los desplazados a volver al campo y reconstruirlo.



Documento del evento:


Relacionada: “En Yarmuk ya no quedan ni gatos”

La canción:

Return, dispersed people
Your travel has lasted so long
Yarmouk, we are your vanguard/rifles (?)
We will not abandon you

Yarmouk, you are the march of victory
Towards Jerusalem that will not be broken
Return, my family, and rejoice
Yarmouk does not accept your travel

Yarmouk, bosom of manliness (?),
Made for us (?) this stage of the journey:
Revolution, struggle and our path,
And the blood of martyrdom is proof

Shame on those who departed
By sea to go adventuring
Those who died died and no one arrived
Except for those who went to be traders

Yarmouk, bosom of faithfulness,
Growing up with you I knew no harshness
Palestine is embodied in you
And the prime of manhood has still not disappeared


Cómo aporrea el piano el chaval. Me recuerda al chiste ese de "¿qué le parece la ejecución?", y le responde "hombre, ejecutarlo me parece pasarse, pero dos buenas hostias si que le daba".