Hace 13 años | Por --181727-- a washingtonpost.com
Publicado hace 13 años por --181727-- a washingtonpost.com

Tras escuchar a la defensa, un juzgado holandés estima que se juzgue el discurso islamófobo del líder político Geert Wilders. Geert Wilders proponía prohibir el Corán y está acusado de racismo y de promover el odio a los musulmanes.



“I’ve had enough of the Quran in the Netherlands: Forbid that fascist book,” Wilders wrote in the Amsterdam-published newspaper De Volkskrant. Van Oosten said that prosecutors had been supposed to limit themselves to remarks that compared Islam to Naziism, not fascism.
However, Van Oosten noted that a similar remark made by Wilders in the same interview: “the core of the problem is the fascist Islam, the sick ideology of Allah and Mohammed as written down in the Islamic Mein Kampf,” was properly part of the case, since in that instance, the comparison with Naziism is clear.

Un tribunal aplicando la ley de Godwin!

p.d. Wilders apesta, pero dejando correr a los barbudos que predican contra Occidente en terminos similares le dan la razón.