Hace 17 años | Por petem a news.bbc.co.uk
Publicado hace 17 años por petem a news.bbc.co.uk

El programa se llama "The Donor Show" (por ENDEMOL, ¿te suena?) y se emitirá en Holanda. Enlace traducido por Google: http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.bbc.co.uk%2F2%2Fhi%2Fentertainment%2F6699847.stm&langpair=en%7Ces&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&prev=%2Flanguage_tools "A Dutch TV station says it will go ahead with a programme in which a terminally ill woman selects one of three patients to receive her kidneys. Political parties have called for The Big Donor Show to be scrapped, but broadcaster BNN says it will highlight the