Hace 16 años | Por --11942-- a theinquirer.es
Publicado hace 16 años por --11942-- a theinquirer.es

La prestigiosa organización Secunia estima ahora que el número de fallos y vulnerabilidades encontradas en Red Hat Linux y en el navegador Firefox superan a las soluciones equivalentes de Microsoft. No nos aclaramos. Está claro que en cuestión de seguridad es difícil asegurar sin temor a equivocarse qué sistema operativo o qué aplicación es más o menos segura: los estudios parecen contradecirse unos a otros, y a pesar de que otros informes parecían reflejar lo contrario, en Secunia afirman que Internet Explorer 7 y Windows Vista son más seguros



Pues no se aclararán los del Inquirer, porque los números del artículo original se explican bien claro:

Red Hat was found to have by far the most vulnerabilities, at 633, with 99 percent found in third-party components. "Red Hat contains two different browsers and graphic interfaces, a number of PDF readers and image editors, and so on," the report said. "Red Hat, HP-UX, and Solaris can easily be used as servers, and as such include and support a large number of third party components, while the same cannot be said of all versions of Windows and Mac OS X."

Windows had only 123 bugs reported, but 96 percent of those were found in the operating system itself.

In the browser field, Firefox led the way with 64 bugs, compared to 43 for Internet Explorer.

Out of eight zero-day bugs reported for Firefox in 2007, five have been patched, three of those in just over a week. Out of 10 zero-day IE bugs, only three were patched and the shortest patch time was 85 days.
