Hace 13 años | Por --222407-- a nytimes.com
Publicado hace 13 años por --222407-- a nytimes.com

Mapa interactivo que indica que, con las previsiones meteorológicas actuales, la nube radiactiva se dirige a EEUU.



the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization. The CTBTO has built up a worldwide network of sensors to pick up the signals of clandestine nuclear tests, including seismic detectors, acoustic sensors in the air and oceans, and radionuclide stations as part of its mission to ensure that no countries carry out nuclear tests. Among the 60 radionuclide stations currently operating, CTBTO has ones scattered across the Pacific and around the Pacific Rim. Each station contains an air filter that collects specks of dust from air. The filters are checked once daily with a gamma-ray detector.

Once a radionuclide station detects something that may have come from a nuclear test, researchers use sophisticated atmospheric models to wind back the clock and so finger the possible nuclear cheat. Those models can run forward equally well and estimate where debris from Fukushima might end up. CTBTO is making those calculations, but its results may go only to the governments that have signed up to the treaty. Hence none of its predictions has been made public, although The New York Times says it has seen a CTBTO report from Tuesday.



Ya es oficial que hay un nube de radionucleidos sobre el Pacífico

FAA, airlines track Pacific radiation pume

The plume is heading over the Pacific Ocean and contains radioactive barium and cesium emitted from the damaged Fukushima Dai-Ichi power plant, Austria's Meteorological and Geophysics Center said on its website. Particles may start moving northwest if winds shift as expected, according to the data center.


Las predicciones meteorológicas dicen que a partir del domingo 19 el viento cambia de dirección en Japón, soplando hacia el interior del país



Pues si como dicen los mas conspiranoicos el terremoto lo ha creado el HAARP, no ha sido muy buena idea porque les vuelve la pelota.


Para ver la trayectoria dar al Play.


Yo tengo una duda tonta. Esta central está al lado del mar y se está refrigerando con agua de mar. ¿Ese agua no va a quedar contaminada con radiación y va a volver al mar? Y luego del mar supongo que por las corrientes acabará repartida por todo el mundo. Entiendo que se diluirá y nos curará a todos el cancer, por aquello de la homeopatía. Pero fuera de bromas, habrá poblaciones que estén mas cerca de Japón y reciban agua contaminada, ¿o me equivoco?


mañana?? agüita con la nube como va de follada