Hace 1 año | Por geralt_ a usenix.org
Publicado hace 1 año por geralt_ a usenix.org

Ghost Touch es un ataque que permite acceder a la pantalla táctil del móvil sin necesidad de tocarla. Utiliza "interferencia electromagnética (EMI) para inyectar puntos de contacto falsos en una pantalla táctil sin necesidad de tocarla físicamente". Vía: https://twitter.com/elhackernet/status/1659216944606707716



Ghosttouch [12], similarly used EMFI to inject taps and row/column based swipe gestures. Although the attack is more advanced than Tap’nGhost, it relies on detecting the correct driving signal from the touchscreen and synchronizing it with IEMI signal to induce accurate touch events. However, we find that the driving mechanism is significantly different on different smartphones, which makes the attack less feasible in a real attack scenario. https://invisiblefinger.click/assets/notrandompath/SP2021_EMI.pdf