Hace 8 años | Por DogSide a technologyreview.com
Publicado hace 8 años por DogSide a technologyreview.com

Los globos de vuelo a gran altura ideados por Google para dar acceso a Internet en zonas remotas, empezarán en 2016 a dar servicio en Indonesia según el acuerdo entre Alphabet y las 3 mayores operadoras de telefonía móvil del país.



The only control Google can exert over these balloons after they have been launched is to adjust their altitude. But they can be steered around the globe by moving them up and down in the stratosphere to exploit the way that winds blow at different speeds and directions.

Google uses a complex computer model of global stratospheric wind conditions to plot how to launch and steer its balloons so as to ensure there are always enough in the right place to provide service. Cassidy said that his team has shown that balloons can travel over 10,000 kilometers and get to within 500 meters of their target destination.

Pienso que una cosa es la teoría y otra el comportamiento real en la práctica, o sea, lo que el viento se llevó.