Hace 8 años | Por blp a qz.com
Publicado hace 8 años por blp a qz.com

Google también mantiene un registro de audio de las preguntas que usted hace a su función de búsqueda por voz, y ahora se puede escuchar esas grabaciones en línea.



There's a catch: The phone's owner can't be looking at the screen when the attack is underway because everything the hacker does is playing out live on the screen as if he or she is inches away.

They do this by broadcasting Siri and Google Now, the two popular voice-activated personal assistants, from as far as 16 feet away. Hypothetically, that's enough for a car on the street to hit someone on the sidewalk.

Once the attackers have control, they can do anything you can with your phone.



Pero si decia ser mi amigo


Osea que para usar la función "Ok Google" el móvil me ha estado grabando siempre? Nunca lo hubiese imaginado...