Hace 8 años | Por ccguy a blogs.msdn.microsoft.com
Publicado hace 8 años por ccguy a blogs.msdn.microsoft.com

.NET Core es una plataforma .NET, modular, de código abierto, y multi plataforma para crear páginas web, microservicios, librerías y aplicaciones de consola. Esta versión incluye el runtime de .NET Core, librerías, herramientas, y el ASP.NET Core.



Console.WriteLine("Cool! ");


"NetEase, a leading IT company in China, provides online services for content, gaming, social media, communications and commerce, needed to stay on the leading edge of the ever-evolving mobile games space and chose .NET Core for their back end services. When compared to their previous Java back-end architecture: “.NET Core has reduced our release cycle by 20% and cost on engineering resources by 30%.” When speaking about the throughput improvements and cost savings:“Additionally, it has made it possible to reduce the number of VMs needed in production by half.”"

Chupense esa javeros 😬


#2 a ver, me parece que no entiendes. Es un articulo de Microsoft, ¿acaso iban a hablar mal de su producto?
Lo barato sale caro, sino preguntale a los de Accenture expertos en este tipo de cagadas: