Hace 9 años | Por --163355-- a teinteresa.es
Publicado hace 9 años por --163355-- a teinteresa.es

Fotos del primer desfile de moda en Bagdad desde 1988. Celebrado en el hotel Royal Tulip.



He visto en estas fotos modelos más guapas y con mejor cuerpo que los esqueletos andantes que suelen salir en las pasarelas internacionales más famosas.


#2 Las árabes, en general, están buenísimas. Iran, Irak, Libia, Argelia... son una pasada.


He encontrado esto en ingles sobre el desfile, hay poca info:

Iraqi capital harks back to liberal days of the 1980s with fashion show at luxurious Royal Tulip hotel as war with Isil goes on to the north

Models in designer clothes strutted down a catwalk in front of Baghdad's high society on Friday for a fashion show that tickled one generation's nostalgia and filled the next one with hope.

Umm Mustafa and her husband cancelled all their family duties, bought new clothes and spent a whole week preparing for the first edition of the Baghdad Fashion Show.

"The last show we saw was in 1988 at the Palestine hotel," she said, wearing a burgundy suit with flowery prints and candy floss pink nail varnish assorted to her smartphone cover.

"We love fashion and design... It's the security situation that has affected everything. There's development here but no opportunity to show the world," said her husband, also in his late forties.

Despite Iraq's eight-year war with Iran, Baghdad in the eighties had a vibrant cultural life and its society was less religiously conservative.

Fuente: telegraph.co.uk


diommio, cuanto moro necesitado de carne que se ve en las fotos.