Hace 1 año | Por Verdaderofalso a benzinga.com
Publicado hace 1 año por Verdaderofalso a benzinga.com

El CEO de Tesla Inc, Elon Musk, recurrió el domingo a Twitter para desacreditar los rumores de que su padre era dueño de una mina de esmeralda en Sudáfrica.



Ahora niega lo que antes confirmaba:

Elon Musk: I’ve been in physical danger before. The funny thing is I’ve not actually been that nervous. In South Africa when I was growing up, my father had a private plane we’d fly in incredibly dangerous weather and barely make it back. This is going to sound slightly crazy, but my father also had a share in an emerald mine in Zambia. I was 15 and really wanted to go with him but didn’t realize how dangerous it was. I couldn’t find my passport so I ended up grabbing my brother’s -- which turned out to be six months overdue! So we had this plane load of contraband and an overdue passport from another person. There were AK-47s all over the place and I’m thinking, “Man, this could really go bad.” I also almost died of malaria in 2001 -- I was within a day and a half of being unrecoverable.



Otro como Zapatero y "su" mina de oro en venesuela


Si solo fuera eso lo falso, su currículum es más falso que la carrera musical de Milli Vanilli.