Hace 7 años | Por --543621-- a worldeconomics.com
Publicado hace 7 años por --543621-- a worldeconomics.com

The World Price Index (WPI) is a monthly index of PPP exchange rates against the US Dollar across the world’s 10 largest economies. Taking inspiration from and building on the concept of the Economist’s ‘Big Mac Index’, the WPI allows for a more timely method of making economic comparisons across countries. By drawing direct comparisons between average price levels of similar goods across countrie



La entradilla en español, si us plau. Merci beaucoup.


#2 Hostia, ni me he enterado que la he dejado en inglés... ya no me deja cambiarla


Articulo británico British Pound claws back strength in Purchasing Power Parity terms

#brexit means #brexit, now please fuck off. Thank you.


Se sufre cuando no se tienen euros.