Hace 4 meses | Por Elnuberu a bbc.com
Publicado hace 4 meses por Elnuberu a bbc.com

Me gusta tener Síndrome de Down. -¿Por qué? -Porque soy feliz. Es un domingo de marzo en Chile. Valentina Biskupovic acaba de llegar a su casa, ubicada en la ciudad de Santiago, después de una intensa mañana de entrenamiento de rugby. Está vestida con la camisa y los shorts de su equipo llamado Tarucas. También lleva puesta una cadena con el símbolo del club, el cual exhibe con orgullo.



Me he acordado de esta canción de Debo:

Mongoloid, he was a mongoloid
Happier than you and me
Mongoloid, he was a mongoloid
And it determined what he could see
Mongoloid, he was a mongoloid
One chromosome, too many
Mongoloid, he was a mongoloid
And it determined what he could see
And he wore a hat
And he had a job
And he brought home the bacon
So that no one knew
He was a mongoloid, mongoloid
His friends were unaware
Mongoloid, he was a mongoloid
Nobody even cared
Mongoloid, he was a mongoloid
One chromosome, too many
Mongoloid, he was a mongoloid
And it determined what he could see
And he wore a hat
And he had a job
And he brought home the bacon
So that no one knew
He was a mongoloid, mongoloid
Happier than you and me
Mongoloid, he was a mongoloid
And it determined what he could see
Mongoloid, he was a mongoloid
One chromosome, too many
Mongoloid, he was a mongoloid
And it determined what he could see
And he wore a hat
And he had a job
And he brought home the bacon
So that no one knew
Mongoloid, he was a mongoloid


#1 Maldito predictivo, Devo, se llama el grupo.


Ahora mismo con ese percentil no nacerias.