Hace 8 meses | Por Huginn a lavanguardia.com
Publicado hace 8 meses por Huginn a lavanguardia.com

Sacheen Littlefeather, la indígena que rechazó el Oscar concedido a Marlon Brando por su interpretación en El padrino en la gala de 1973, ha fallecido a los 75 años, según comunicó este domingo la Academia de Hollywood que preside David Rubin. Da la casualidad de que hace tan solo unas semanas, la intérprete y activista por los derechos civiles de las personas indígenas fue homenajeada por la misma organización tras haberle pedido perdón por los abucheos que sufrió hace casi 50 años tras subir al escenario de los Oscar y, en nombre de Brando.



En el artículo se menciona que Clint Eastwood ridiculizo o bromeó pero he buscado el vídeo y como no oigo bien y no hay subtítulos no se exactamente lo que dice pero en los comentarios he encontrado esta explicación:

“ Saying that Eastwood "insulted" Littlefeather and American Indians is a bit of a stretch. He was trying to inject some deadpan irony and levity into a very tense situation, the context of which cannot be adequately grasped in Youtube clips. Obviously, Eastwood was not a comedian, so his joke may not have proved funny.

To the extent that he was taking a shot at anyone, it would have been Marlon Brando, not Littlefeather and American Indians. Indeed, the next Western that Eastwood would shoot, "The Outlaw Josey Wales" (1976), represents one of the most nuanced and humanistic portrayals of Indigenous peoples in cinematic history. In addition to starring in the film, Eastwood directed it, too.

Even the next Eastwood movie to premiere after this Oscars ceremony, 1973's "High Plains Drifter" (his first directorial Western), has a scene where his character aids an elderly Indigenous man and his kids or grandkids, who are being taunted as "savages" by the town's sheriff. In fact, that film debuted just a week after the Academy Awards (hence part of Eastwood's motivation for appearing on the broadcast).”

El discurso forzado de un minuto forzado por el productor de la academia.