Hace 4 años | Por --624999-- a reddit.com
Publicado hace 4 años por --624999-- a reddit.com

La policia de Los angeles, acisados de un saqueo en un almacen de Los Angeles, prefieren detener y esposar a lso dueños del negocio



Señora, en mi Pantone no sale que estos puedan ser los dueños


Ya han visto las noticias, ahora podrán ver la realidad:



lol Ya no nos molestamos ni en disimular que estamos karmawhoreando copiando la portada global de Reddit. Ahora a pelo con enlace directo en lugar de a la “fuente”.


#5 Ya tocaba abandonar tanto disimulo.


Hay que decir que los saqueadores tambien eran negros, por lo que dice la testigo


De los comentarios:

Just to be accurate I saw this on live tv they were not looters or protestors but they were also not the actual store owners. They were hanging out with the store owners and protecting the neighborhood from looters, but then in turn were taken for looters they were trying to stop in the first place.

Context: this is moments when the police first arrive on scene. Several cars and people where postured up to rob the store. Organized looting is what is currently happening. Most protesters are not looters.They called the cops asking for a lot of help.

The three people on the side are bystanders trying to fend off the looters with the store owner. When the police first enter the scene they ran in because there was a small crowd of people. The looters ran off, while the bystanders, news crew, and store owners were all separated. The owners in the store, bystanders to the wall, and press in the back.

After a quick briefing from the reporter of what was happening the police let them go. The officer put them asides and explained their reasoning for their actions. They were doing their best, and it's hard for them to police situations like this.

With a no detailed caption like this all you are doing is hurting the cause and fear mongering for karma points. They are no different also, dont get me wrong I've seen the shady bull shit they are pulling, but you OP are no different then them. We need the real truth out there. There is already enough dirt out there, we dont need to fabricate any more.

Pero claro, para eso tendría que importarnos si es cierto o no, no solo entrar a soltar el eslogan.


¿Dónde esta la noticia?



En que los llamaron y acudieron.


#2 ah! bueno por lo menos dejaron de procastinar.



Les cogería de camino a comprar donuts.


Parece que no hacen ningún test de evaluación cognitivo para ser policía (o presidente) en los Estados Unidos.


#6 Si que se hacen tests para entrar en la policia. Se hacen tests muy serios y se rechaza a los inteligentes. Esto es sabido desde hace años.

Para ser presi no. No hay ningún filtro establecido.