Hace 8 años | Por --504295-- a theguardian.com
Publicado hace 8 años por --504295-- a theguardian.com

Ozersk, o Ciudad 40 en clave, fue el lugar de nacimiento del programa de armas nucleares soviético. Ahora es uno de los lugares más contaminados de la Tierra, ¿pero porqué tantos residentes lo ven como un paraíso bajo las vallas?



Sarna con gusto no pica.


#2 Oye, pues al final esto del comunismo no está tan mal.

"While the majority of the Soviet population were suffering from famine and living in abject poverty, the authorities created a paradise for these residents, providing them with lives of privilege and some luxury."


#3 Claro,que pensabas?
Que el comunista gusta de la miseria?


"Half a million people in Ozersk and its surrounding area are said to have been exposed to five times as much radiation as those living in the areas of Ukraine affected by the Chernobyl nuclear accident."

"According to some Ozersk residents, the dumping continues today. One of the nearby lakes has been so heavily contaminated by plutonium that locals have renamed it the “Lake of Death” or “Plutonium Lake”. The radioactive concentration there is reported to exceed 120 million curies – 2.5 times the amount of radiation released in Chernobyl."