Hace 18 años | Por diaz a mainada.net
Publicado hace 18 años por diaz a mainada.net

Comics @ MaiNada.net es una herramienta rápida y elegante que permite crear comic strip.
Un site EXTREMADAMENTE interesante.
En fin, que Comics @ MaiNada.net utiliza las últimas técnicas open laszlo y rubyonrails para crear cartoons de la forma más agradable posible.



Pero está en Flash, no lo puede usar todo el mundo

"Build Your Own Meat" no está en Flash. Lo meneé el otro día: http://meneame.net/story.php?id=7910


y además el flash ese es de los que petan un firefox en linux, "this script is causing your computer to run slowly..."


(I have to speak in english.. sorry for that)
There are more installations of Flash than Windows in the all world.
As a sample, from 4,815 visitants, only about 74 (1.54%) had no flash. This is VERY VERY small amount.
The "this script is causing your computer to run slowly..." shows up in older and slower PC's, It's something that has to be reviewed (optimizing the site), but if you press it not to stop, it will go ahead alright.
As for your story, the ideia is nice, but there are MANY MANY sites like than, all prettier and nicer than that, and with much more features, like http://www.stripgenerator.com/ (although this is with flash too).

Don't be afraid of Flash.. I work in computer graphics and intelligente multimodal interfaces and there is always that panic about Flash. Flash a framework that can work if it's use properly and has many potential for some ideas.. it's has it's weak points like everything else.

Just enjoy the site it's free and was made to be enjoyed. Both to who draws and to who simple likes to watch great draws.