Hace 18 años | Por realconect a hight3ch.com
Publicado hace 18 años por realconect a hight3ch.com

Las GPS Panties mandan información sobre la ubicación, pulso y temperatura de quien use estas "pantaletas".



si sigues el link te encuentras con esto:

Yeah, that's right, we got you! Forget Me Not Panties is a hoax. The Panty Raiders (that's us) made this website in one night, and it cost us $18.

Thousands of men from all over the world tried to buy our panties... and they were not alone. Lots of women begged us to make Forget Me Not Boxers.

We had over 600,000 people come to our site in 3 weeks, and then shortly after that we hit a million, and then we lost count.

If you thought Forget Me Not Panties were real, you got duped, but you aren't stupid. We had over 300 distribution requests and 90% of the press we got never figured out the "GPS panties" was really an art project. We even created a fake PR company to handle the press that suddenly bombarded our inbox.

We had press from all over the world, but we credit the success of the site to our blogging fans, and it was because of them we won Eyebeam's Contagious Media Showdown

The following are just a sample of some of the press and emails we received.


"Make sure your girlfriend is always at the right place with these GPS Panties."

Yuju, ¡la tecnología al servicio del machismo!


Uh! no lo veo muy popular al invento. Quizás en el mundo árabe, quien sabe. Igual esta noticia me suena a bulo...


Es un hoax nomás... sólo seguir el enlace.


Mirando la página donde se vende:
"Due to overwhelming demand, the panties have SOLD OUT. We will have new stock during the next 30 days."
Parece que si es popular.