Hace 10 años | Por Pnx a phandroid.com
Publicado hace 10 años por Pnx a phandroid.com

An interesting (and, depending on who you are, disturbing) rumor seems to have crossed the wire this morning. Leakster extraordinaire Eldar Murtazin supposedly has it on good authority that Google is looking to kill off the Nexus program at some point next year. The downfall of Nexus would make way for Google Play Edition devices.



Rumor = irrelevante.


Rumore ♫ rumore ♫ nana na na ♫ nana na na ♫ nana nana ♫ nana na ♫ no mi sento sicura sicura maaaai ♫ mama maaa ai ♫


#0 Tienes que poner la entradilla en castellano.


¿Habra Nexus 5.1? ¿Hasta cuando actualizaran los terminales? ¿Pasaran a ser los MOTO, los nuevos NEXUS?