Hace 8 años | Por Remenad0r a blog.osvdb.org
Publicado hace 8 años por Remenad0r a blog.osvdb.org

La base de datos de vulnerabilidades ha tomado la decisión de cerrar el servicio de forma indefinida tal y como han anunciado en su blog.



De otras fuentes:

"The OSVDB was set up in March 2004 as a clearing house for security vulnerabilities that could keep code safer. Companies could pay for a license to use the database, but the problem is that plenty of them didn't.

Sometimes they got caught out – in 2014 the OSVBD publicly called out McAfee and Spanish security firm S21Sec for writing automated scripts that trawled the vulnerability database without paying for it."



@admin si alguien puede poner el enlace directo: https://blog.osvdb.org/2016/04/05/osvdb-fin/