Hace 15 años | Por marcee a nytimes.com
Publicado hace 15 años por marcee a nytimes.com

Wu’er Kaixi, uno de los principales líderes estudiantiles del movimiento pro-democracia de 1989 en China, ha volado ayer de Taiwan, donde residía habitualmente, a Macao, con el objetivo de entregarse a las autoridades chinas. En declaraciones a diversos medios, Wu’er Kaixi ha querido dejar claro que su acción no es en absoluto una admisión de ninguna culpa sino una forma de protesta por la falta de diálogo oficial desde China con la disidencia y por las restricciones en el movimiento de disidentes y sus familiares.



#1: A mi me aparece sin necesidad de registro ni nada, ¿será porque estoy en China? Bueno, en fin, copio y pego:

June 4, 2009
Chinese Activist Tries to Surrender

BEIJING — One of the principal student leaders of the 1989 pro-democracy movement flew Wednesday from Taiwan to the Chinese territory of Macao, saying he wanted to surrender to Chinese authorities after two decades in exile.

The former student leader, Wu’er Kaixi, was detained by immigration authorities at the Macao airport on the evening before the 20th anniversary of a bloody military crackdown in Beijing. He told several news agencies that he would return to Taiwan only if he were deported.

“His action is kind of an expression of anger and protest,” said Wang Dan, another former student leader, who is now in the United States.

“Maybe this is his only way to return to China. For all of us, this is the only way.”

In a statement, Mr. Wu’er said his effort to turn himself in was “in no way whatsoever an acknowledgment of guilt in the eyes of the law.”

The statement continued: “I have made this decision because China will not let me return and my parents are prohibited from traveling abroad. I have not seen them in 20 years. China refused to engage in dialogue, and I am hopeful that a trial at least would be a resumption of dialogue of some sort.” It described Mr. Wu’er as second on a list of the 21 most wanted student leaders.

The Chinese government has continued to enforce strict security throughout Beijing, the capital, aiming to head off any public commemoration of the protests in Tiananmen Square that led to hundreds of deaths on June 4, 1989. Popular Internet services like Twitter and Hotmail have been disrupted. Prominent dissidents have been detained; others have been confined to their homes or forced to leave town.

On Wednesday, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton issued a strong statement calling on China to account for those killed in the Tiananmen Square protests.

“A China that has made enormous progress economically, and that is emerging to take its rightful place in global leadership, should examine openly the darker events of its past and provide a public accounting of those killed, detained or missing, both to learn and to heal,” she said. “This anniversary provides an opportunity for Chinese authorities to release from prison all those still serving sentences in connection with the events surrounding June 4, 1989.”

In 1989, Mr. Wu’er was 21 years old, and one of a handful of student representatives who met with Li Peng, then China’s prime minister, at the height of the protests. On national television, he scolded Mr. Li for failing to address the students’ demands.

In a recent interview, Mr. Wu’er told BBC News that while he was extremely proud of the pro-democracy movement, he also felt some regret about its outcome.

“If I had known the result would be so bloody, would I still have done the same?” he asked. “Perhaps not.”


No se puede ver porque es de pago (o al menos exige registro, que paso de hacer). Le he puesto «irrelevante» porque no he encontrado nada más adecuado.