Hace 9 años | Por JuanCarlosLP a washingtonpost.com
Publicado hace 9 años por JuanCarlosLP a washingtonpost.com

Fuentes oficiales reportan que los sospechosos tienen 32, 34 y 18 años, se presume que uno de ellos es también ciudadano francés. Noticia: 23.10 Unconfirmed reports that two suspects have been arrested and a third killed. En vivo: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/11329976/Paris-Charlie-Hebdo-attack-live.html



Más: Elite French forces were last night reportedly besieging the three Charlie Hebdo attackers in Reims, eastern France amid reports all three had been “identified and located” after an identity card was found in their getaway car.
Security sources told several French media that a police operation with the elite RAID anti-terror squad was underway in Reims, with two of the three attackers reported to be holed up in the neighbourhood of Croix Rouge in Reims. Helicopters were flying over the site where they were thought to be hiding.

Vamos, que las fuerzas especiales asediaron el piso franco de los terroristas en Reims, al este de Francia, tras encontrar el coche de huída.


Pues con la misma rapidez que encontraron las biblias de los terroristas de las torres gemelas.
Es lógico. Terroristas con alta formación militar se olvidan una tarjeta de identidad en el coche de huida. "after an identity card was found in their getaway car"