Hace 2 años | Por --677540-- a ctxt.es
Publicado hace 2 años por --677540-- a ctxt.es

Ya lo dijeron los Lendakaris Muertos Ay, ay, ay! no quiero pedalear. Que viva la energía, la energía nuclear. La Comisión Europea ha propuesto otorgar temporalmente la etiqueta verde a la energía nuclear y al gas para que las empresas que las explotan y comercializan sean consideradas ecológicas y puedan recibir dinero de los ciudadanos europeos. La propuesta ha provocado un gran debate en Europa entre los partidarios de la contaminación del gas (Alemania) y los partidarios de los residuos nucleares (Francia).



Ha provocado un gran debate en Europa entre los partidarios de la contaminación del gas (Alemania) y los partidarios de los residuos nucleares (Francia)

Mejor no se pueden resumir las partes.


Nucleares sí.


El maridaje entre el IPCC y los que apoyan la energía nuclear es preocupante:


Altogether, there are 4200 EJ (or 7.1 MtU) of identified conventional uranium resources available at extraction costs of less than USD 260 /kgU (current consumption amounts to about 53,760 tU per year). Additional conventional uranium resources (yet to be discovered) estimated at some 4400 EJ can be mobilized at costs larger than USD 260 /kgU (NEA and IAEA, 2012). Present uranium resources are sufficient to fuel existing demand for more than 130 years, and if all conventional uranium occurrences are considered, for more than 250 years.

Global climate objectives fall short without nuclear power in the mix: UNECE

Y otras fuentes:
Action needed now to limit climate change, says IPCC

Nuclear ready to continue contributing

World Nuclear Association Director General Sama Bilbao y León said the new report highlights the need to use all tools currently available to decarbonise all sectors of the economy whilst investing in new technologies.

"As the single largest source of low-carbon electricity in advanced economies, nuclear energy is ready to continue to provide reliable 24/7 affordable clean electricity in the more than 30 countries that already use it," she said. "Additionally, nuclear energy is eager to join forces with other low-carbon technologies to accelerate the decarbonisation of the global economy."

Bilbao y León called on decision makers to take urgent action to support nuclear power plants threatened with early closure because of the "distorted markets" in which they operate. These markets, she said, "fail to value their climate and energy security benefits".

"Governments, regulators, and industry must work together to accelerate the deployment of new nuclear projects, large and small, including small modular reactors and advanced nuclear technologies, so that nuclear power can help decarbonise sectors beyond electricity supply, providing domestic and industrial process heat, producing hydrogen and decarbonising the transport sector."

The report's release comes ahead of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), being held in Glasgow from 31 October to 12 November this year.
