Hace 2 años | Por Nividhia a youtube.com
Publicado hace 2 años por Nividhia a youtube.com

[C&P] Steinway Artist Lang Lang performs Frédéric Chopin’s Prelude in D-flat Major, Op. 28: No. 15 “Raindrop” on the Steinway & Sons Spirio | r, the world’s finest high resolution player piano, capable of live performance capture and playback. Chopin took inspiration for the “Raindrop” following a waking dream at the keyboard at a monastery in Majorca. According to George Sand, who interrupted the composer’s reverie when she returned to the monastery during a rainstorm, the composer saw himself drowned in a lake, while heavy drops of water fel



#0 Deberías traducir la entradilla.


#2 Totalmente cierto. Que fallo


Lang Lang, aparte de ser una bestia al piano es muy simpático


Para mí es uno de los mejores interpretes de Satie.