Hace 16 años | Por Josest a villadeayora.com
Publicado hace 16 años por Josest a villadeayora.com

Offers an infinite variety of possibilities to discover beautiful places, natural spaces (La Hunde, Palomera, Caroig), mountains, plains or humid lands and even places in those that the step of old civilizations has left its artistic and cultural print (The Layer of Meca). ts architectural patrimony is very wide, it possesses a medieval Castle (XIII century), Parochial Church (XVI century) and numerous Hermitages located inside and outside of the population.



SPAM (XXI century)


Doctor_Grijander, this meneo is for you to translate. lol

#0 Meneos en español, por favor. Que no todo el mundo sabe inglés.


#1 Please stop this bigotry. English language is spoken by bilions of people all over the world. lol