Hace 16 años | Por Funpri a youtube.com
Publicado hace 16 años por Funpri a youtube.com

People enjoying a big-screen audio-visual 3D movie experience with the Argo Cinema 2 Videoglasses at the ifest 08 in Barcelona. iFest’08: the Innovation event to boost business growth, Barcelona 10-12th July The cutting-edge innovation event held by Infonomia for the fourth consecutive year. The objective of the iFEST’08 is to accelerate business growth through the effective use of innovation.



1.- ¿Tienes acciones en Argo?
2.- El titular y la entradilla en castallano, por favor.



Habia "argo" que no me cuadraba: ¿eres comercial? @funpri


No se si te has enterado #0 Pero, se habla español