Hace 12 años | Por atrova a youtube.com
Publicado hace 12 años por atrova a youtube.com

Canción "Mamá tierra" Autor original: Macaco Intérpretes: Inma y Florián Lengua de Signos Española Fundación FEDECSO (Málaga)



Translation for my english friends.

You can always close your eyes,
But you can't close your ears.
There is an issue of, I would say,
How is it, of love for the earth, no?
That is to say that we are part of the roots of where we are born.
So then thinking about this a song occurs to us.

How difficult to sing to mother earth,
Who puts up with us and has seen us grow,
And the parents of your parents
And your children, the ones who will come after (as well).

If you see her like your mother
Perhaps our gaze will change
And let us act like the one who defends his own
And the ones who come with him.

The root at my feet I felt,
I raised my hand and I saw,
That everything goes together, that everything is a circle,
The earth, the sky and once again here.

Like the water from the sea goes to the clouds,
The water rains and again to the start, hear-ear~

I yelled, yelled... Oh, don't you see it?
She is dying slowly, mamá tierra, mother earth.

It is not a matter of breaking windows,
Nor street lights, nor of money,
Better to break consciences in error, hear.

Nobody taught us, not you nor me,
Nobody explained to us, not you nor me,
Better to learn, let the voices run and perhaps achieve.

(Bbtr trr bombarding) Mother earth says...
(Bbtr trr bombarding) Mother earth says to you... Enough! (Stop!)
(Bbtr trr bombarding, x2) Mother earth listen...
(Bbtr trr bombarding) Mother earth says... Get on your feet.
(Bbtr trr bombarding) Get on your feet.
(Bbtr trr bombarding) Mother earth says... Get on your feet.
(Bbtr trr bombarding) Look at me, e-ee

Oh mother clamors,
Her flame is going out on her,
And this isn't from today
Already from times past, hear~
(Decre) Decades deteriorating.

Now mother clamors,
Her flame is going out on her,
They sell it to her now,
From what she was to what I am,
Her heartbeats (tre) magnify today.

They call, they call,
Mother earth, they call
Now that they maneuver them without plan
Too many burrowing
Others fall, later fruits - they give none.

They call, they call
Mother earth, they call
Deaf ears, the "man" gives them,
They avert their gazes,
They contaminate until they eliminate.

There is an issue of, I would say,
How is it, of love for the earth.