Hace 13 años | Por pirola a libertaddigital.com
Publicado hace 13 años por pirola a libertaddigital.com

Novak Djokovic ha comentado, tras perder la final del Abierto de Estados Unidos ante Rafa Nadal, que el jugador español está capacitado para llegar a ser el mejor tenista de todos los tiempos, ya que indicó que ha conseguido mucho a su edad y que aún le quedan muchos años por delante.



#10 igualitos que Verdasco roll


#10 Enhorabuena por tu ironía.


#15 No hay ninguna ironía.


#10 ¿Romper una raqueta es mal perder? Ahora uno no va a tener ni derecho a la frustración.


Y no sólo en lo deportivo


#1 Sí, tambien en ciencia...


#14 según eso, el mejor del momento es probable que sea el mejor de la historia. a mí no me gusta tampoco porque eso de "mejor" no está bien definido.


Grande Nole.


#7 ¿Y por romper una raqueta tiene mal perder? Joder tío, tienes que tener la sangre de horchata o yo que sé. ¿Nunca has pillado un mosqueo por nada?, ¿Nunca has tirado cualquier cosa para desahogarte?. A mi me han llamado de todo después de parar algún penalty los mismos que después nos invitaban a cañas para reírnos del partido.


#8 No compares el tenis que es un deporte de caballeros con otras pachangas de tu barrio. De hecho, por romper una raqueta te dan un warning.
Yo me refiero más a su soberbia, como demuestro en #22 y a que cuando era más joven protestaba todo y se ponía muy agresivo con rivales y jueces de silla y línea. Para hacer crítica hay que conocer a la gente en la totalidad de su trayectoria, no de hace unos añitos para acá.
Y a que tiene muy mal perder. Se pone a llorar el muy chulito porque en el fondo él se cree que es muy superior a Nadal (y a todos sus rivales) y que Rafa le gana de suerte. Mira en el enlace de #30 lo engreído y bocazas que es el menda.


Es una tontería discutir quien es mejor deportista cuando hablamos de números uno, aunque claro todos sabemos que este chaval es grande, muy grande, y tiene mucho futuro por que sabe donde tiene la cabeza y muchas cualidades.


Muy buena la actuacion de Nadal ayer noche, excelente partido.


Qué cachondo el Djokovic cogiendo el cheque del premio de Nadal...

La verdad, el buen rollo que hay entre los 3 primeros puestos es increíble.


Ahora no sólo importan los campeonatos sino también las opiniones. Y hay quien se queja de que se meneen partidos de la Liga

Pero claro, mola que te guste el Tenis porque es un deporte alternativo como el baloncesto o la F1. Y yo que pensaba que los deportes alternativos eran el hockey, el voley, el curling...


No se si será el mejor, pero nos lo hace pasar "Bomba", hay Nadal al meneo!


Creo que Djokovic va a practicar mucho si imitación de muecas, a ver si le dan la misma suerte

hola, soy djokovic, a quien quieres que imite?


cosa útil...


Este chico tiene mejor perder que Federer, por lo que se ve.


#3 Un señor muy llorón con mal perder. Me remito a sus años más jóvenes cuando rompía raquetas y protestaba contra todo.

Y a esto (por lo de llorón):


#3 Entrevista a Federer:

Q. You played against him before. How much do you think he improved?
ROGER FEDERER: I played four times against him. Never lost.

Q. So?
ROGER FEDERER: So? (Smiling) No, he played well. Like I said, he's an up‑and‑coming youngster who is improving almost by the day because they're so young, you know, they learn a lot with all the matches they play, with the travelling. So for this reason he definitely played great tournament. He's been able to back it up now since basically a year now.
If he keeps this up, you know, he's going to create some chances also at the Grand Slams because he's been able to come to two semifinals already in his career. This obviously might be a breakthrough tournament for him.
I was impressed the way I played, but nothing to the point where he surprised me. I knew how he was playing, so that was a good thing.

Q. Looking at the big picture and your aims for the whole year, how significant is a defeat in a final such as this? Is it significant or not?
ROGER FEDERER: Insignificant (smiling).

Q. Can you elaborate on why and what your major goals are?
ROGER FEDERER: The goal was to win Wimbledon. Done that. Try to stay No. 1 in the world. It would have helped to win today. Can't have it all. You know, looking at the US Open, looking down the road, as well, the Masters, still a long way to go. So I can't start being disappointing about just one match. I mean, he played well. I couldn't get the job done.

Q. You played some good tennis. Has it been good preparation?
ROGER FEDERER: Good preparation, yeah. I've been very happy with the month following Wimbledon when all went well. I'm in good shape mentally and physically. I'm really in top form. Looking forward to the rest of the summer.

Q. Do you appreciate the look of his game, a little more similar to yours, than Rafa? Do you appreciate that part of his game compared to Rafa?
ROGER FEDERER: No, not really. I mean, he plays like many other players on tour. You know, I mean, he's steady off the baseline, he's got a pretty good serve But, yeah, I mean, like himself, he says nothing outrageous in his game. Always pretty predictable, which is a good thing. Yeah, you get some good rallies against him because he scrambles well, moves to the ball well, moves the ball around very nicely. Yeah, I enjoy playing against him.

Q. How would you rate your form today? What were you happy with and what weren't you happy with?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, the way I came back, you know, because I was down quite a few times in the first set. Second set it was tough, you know, after what I went through at the end of the first. Then the third set, as well. I could never really breathe. Maybe that was a bit my problem today. It's such a pity, you know, when I start a match against a player like him serving so bad in the opening game. It was quite windy at the beginning and I was just not sure how much risk I should take on my shots. So all in all, it was not a ‑‑ too bad of a performance. Too many ups and downs. Then totally missed my chances when I had them. Like I said, he hit very freely in the tiebreaks.

Q. He's long stated his ambition to be No. 1, which not a lot of players do. No one has pushed you for that ranking in quite a long time. Do you view him as more of a threat than any other player or in with the crowd?
ROGER FEDERER: I see him second after Nadal. That's my opinion.

Q. You were hitting your forehand perfectly earlier in the week. Today it was slightly off. Any particular reason? Wind?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, it was windy. You know, I couldn't play that freely from the baseline today 'cause I was always, you know, was in a tough situation, whereas against the other players, I was able to get a break away, get ahead. So today I had to be a little bit more keep the ball in play, but it was not easy. So, yeah, it was a tough match. But it was okay. Nothing too bad.


#3 y modesto ...
"Creo que soy el mejor jugador de tenis del mundo, y podéis llamarme genio porque me impongo a muchos de mis rivales, a cada uno de forma diferente, ganando incluso sin jugar lo mejor que sé. Todo eso hace que lo sea y es agradable", dijo Federer.


#2 tonterias, vaya tres han dado cada cual mejor, todo un espectáculo.


Venga ya lo digo yo ,Nandrolona.

Y ya de paso viva cataluña puta españa, al menos murió haciendo lo que mas le gustaba y hay gato hay meneo.
Se acabó la discusión. Ya no hace falta que vengáis.


#4 amigo me parece que no captan tu sarcasmo dejalo mas claro la proxima vez


#11 Ellos ,los pobrecicos, no saben quién soy yo---->el-coran-ese-libro-peligroso#c-3


#11 Suele pasar, demasiado fino y bien hilado para verse a simple vista.


#23 Eso me suena a los directores gafapasta cuando lloriquean: no entienden mi arte....

Que no cojones, que no es que no lo entendamos, es que es una puta mierda!!! Y la ironia de #4 tambien!