Hace 12 años | Por silosenovengo a ibnlive.in.com
Publicado hace 12 años por silosenovengo a ibnlive.in.com

Según los correos filtrados por WikiLeaks, Dow Chemicals, la segunda compañía química más importante del mundo, indicó a la compañía de inteligencia Stratfor que espiara a activistas del desastre de Bhopal (India), del que en menos de un mes se cumplirán 25 años, al producirse una fuga de 42 toneladas de isocianato de metilo en una fábrica de pesticidas. Más información y enlaces a los correos filtrados en #1.



Correos filtrados:

Stratford monitored Bhopal activists including The Yes Men for Dow Chemical and Union Carbide

Desastre de Bhopal:


Asesinada en Bhopal la activista india Shehla Masood
Asesinada en Bhopal la activista india Shehla Masood

Hace 12 años | Por IgnatiusJReilly a europapress.es

India vuelve a pedir a EEUU la extradición del CEO de compañia responsable de la muerte de más de 15.000 personas [ENG]
India vuelve a pedir a EEUU la extradición del CEO de compañia responsable de la muerte de más de 15.000 personas [ENG]
Hace 13 años | Por --181727-- a online.wsj.com

El agua de Bhopal todavía es tóxica, 25 años después del mortal escape de gas
El agua de Bhopal todavía es tóxica, 25 años después del mortal escape de gas
Hace 13 años | Por --150977-- a argenpress.info

Ridícula condena de 2 años de cárcel a 7 directivos por la fuga de pesticidas que mató a 25 mil personas en Bhopal
Ridícula condena de 2 años de cárcel a 7 directivos por la fuga de pesticidas que mató a 25 mil personas en Bhopal
Hace 14 años | Por --60900-- a cronica.com.mx

25 aniversario del desastre de Bhopal
25 aniversario del desastre de Bhopal
Hace 14 años | Por monti a boston.com

Sobre "The Yes Men":

Los Yes Men son un dúo de activistas formado por Andy Bichlbaum y Mike Bonanno que practican lo que ellos llaman "corrección de identidad", que trata básicamente de desenmascarar a las corporaciones multinacionales y a todo el entramado de intereses políticos y económicos tendentes a su protección en perjuicio de los ciudadanos de todo el planeta.
Se hacen pasar por personas poderosas y portavoces de organizaciones prominentes, aceptando las invitaciones recibidas en sus páginas web para aparecer en conferencias y programas de televisión. Luego usan su autoridad recientemente adquirida para expresar la idea de que las corporaciones y organizaciones gubernamentales a menudo actúan en modos deshumanizantes hacia el público en general.
Su método usualmente es la sátira: haciéndose pasar por portavoces corporativos o del gobierno, suelen hacer comentarios chocantes y denigrantes sobre los trabajadores y consumidores.
Los Yes Men se han hecho pasar por portavoces de organizaciones tales como la OMC, McDonald's, Dow Chemical, entre otras.


Yes Men distribuyen su documental vía BitTorrent para esquivar la censura [ENG]
Yes Men distribuyen su documental vía BitTorrent para esquivar la censura [ENG]
Hace 13 años | Por --25450-- a boingboing.net

Entrevista a Julian Assange sobre los correos de Dow Chemicals/Stratfor (eng)


Informe exhaustivo:

DOW CONFIDENTIAL: Bhopal Monitoring Report Friday, December 09, 2011
Email-ID 396510
Date 2011-12-10 00:55:40
From asigsby@allisinfo.com
To mongoven@stratfor.com
Contact AIM for more Information
Significant Activist Activity
Amnesty USA online action addressed to USOC; Amnesty Int'l; Amnesty Canada; AI USA blog post
Barry Gardiner: website posts of Hindu, "Dow Olympic campaign" update
12/3 Rail Roko turns violent, protesters injured and arrested; CM Chouhan agreed to compensation data demand; roko cancelled
Petition: Goal attained, extended to 15,000 signatures
Parliament motions: 19 supporters of Scottish motion; UK Early Day stalled at 21
Local media: Midland Daily News, Saginaw News
US anniversary actions: ICJB Boston; AID Austin (TX)
12/3 PTI, India Today, ToI: UCC affidavit filing; Dow not recognizing India's juridiction over it
12/7 Telegraph UK: LOCOG sustainability report favorable to Dow
12/8 BBC: Dow committed to Olympic sponsorship
Olympic Media Summary
12/3 Hindu: Activist coalition, Chomsky statement
12/3 BBC: Video report from BMA/Livingstone press conference at Olympic stadium
12/3 Guardian Ecologist: Blog promotes L. Close petition
12/4-5 Express, Hindu: Tamil Nadu politicians urge boycott of Games
12/5-6 Financial Times, Channel 4: Jowell interviews on opposing Dow Olympics sponsorship
12/5 Global media: IOA statement on "concern" over "tainted" company sponsoring Olympics
12/6 India media: IOA concern includes India's future bid for Olympics while Dow stil an IOC partner
12/6 Global media: IOC to IOA - "talk to the athletes" about Dow sponsorship
12/8 Telegraph UK: Two reports from Deighton's presentation at IOC meeting
12/6 Guardian: Dhingra, Gardiner welcomed IOA 'concern'; Commentary article cites BMA's Close
12/6 Tribune India: Sarangi - IOA, GoI communications "token efforts"
12/6 Siaset: Aslam Sher Khan press event: wrote letter to S Gandhi, offered support to UK MPs
12/7 PTI, SportzPower: IOA to meet, discuss Dow sponsorship issues 12/9, 12/15
12/9 Guardian blog: Recap of Olympics news included London borough politcs involving anti-Dow campaign
12/8 Reuters, PTI: Indian athletes let Dow find "redemption" via Olympic sponsorship; will follow GoI lead on Dow issue
12/8 Indian Express: ICJB to hold "Bhopal Olympics"
Commentaries/editorials: Mid-Day Mumbai, Times of India, Bhopal Chronicle; Sri Lanka, UK media
Bhopal Anniversary Media Summary
12/3 Global media: Bhopal anniversary effigy burnings and protests
12/3 Global media: Rail roko violence
12/4 AP: Rail roko violence aftermath
12/4 TwoCircles: Rail roko protest overview; 1/3/12 deadline for MP to submit "correct" data to SC
12/5 PTI, DNA: 15 Rail roko arrests include gas NGO leader Balkrishna Namdeo
12/6 Pioneer: State responsible for rail violence
12/6-8 India media: MP, ICJB, MP HRC to hold enquiries into violence
12/6 Pioneer: Jabbar - ICJB partly responsible for rail violence
12/9 ANI: Bhopal protest of police for rail roko violence calls for Chouhan to resign, threatens to 'ransack' his residence
12/8 ToI: Bhopal residents complain of police harassment on questioning over rail roko
12/7 PTI: Abdul Jabbar wants special courts for gas victims, MP to submit 'correct' data to SC
12/9 DNA: Chouhan calls for Rs 10 lakh in compensation for 10,000 more gas victims
12/4 Express on Sunday: Chingari Trust
12/5 Pioneer: Chingari Trust awards
12/8 Common Dreams: PANNA announced results of People's Tribunal - "Big 6" agrichem firms "guilty" of human rights violations
Activist Activity
12/4 BhopalNow website: first posting promotes Sambhavna, Chingari facilities
12/6 Force Change petition addressed to Liveris to "assume corporate responsibility" and clean up Bhopal
Bhopali film: Invitations to screenings; review; interview with Verma and Carlson
Ted Jeory blog: Bhopal visit during anniversary events; Newham mayor supports anti-Dow campaign
BMA website updates: Bhopali interview; Environmentalist article; Anniversary event reports
Blogs: Current.com; Toxics Watch; Hadida; sports blogs; UK Progressive; New Internationalist
Message boards: Nayaran - ICJB action calls during rail violence; Games Monitor posts
Social media: Farah Edwards driving BMA social media

Amnesty USA online action addressed to USOC; Amnesty Int'l; Amnesty Canada; AI USA blog post

Amnesty USA posted an online action addressed to the US Olympic Committee on the Bhopal anniversary and asking it to "raise the issue of Dow's failure to address the long-standing
environmental and human rights concerns about the Bhopal gas disaster in the Association of National Olympic Committees Executive Council Meeting on 6 December in Switzerland."
(emphasis added)
The online letter also calls for the IOC to amend is Sustainable Sourcing Code to include "an explicit attention to human rights concerns."
Amnesty is seeking for itself "and other groups the opportunity to convey to the Olympic Committee their concerns about Dow's response to the Bhopal tragedy, and that the LOCOG
prioritize the outstanding needs of survivors of the tragedy."
Full text of the letter is attached.
- The BMA Twitter feed posted links to the AI USA website, and tweeted once to Amnesty Sweden/Holland.
- As is typical, Amnesty USA has not invested in ongoing promotion of the Bhopal issue, touching on it only in context of the Bhopal anniversary and then returning to more normal
Amnesty topics.

Amnesty Int'l posted the Bhopal annivesary press statement by Business and Human Rights director Seema Joshi that was initially posted by Amnesty UK on 12/2.

12/5 Amnesty Canada website and Amnesty USA's Human Rights blog posted Bhopal items.
- The Canada site began with a large photo on the front page of an elderly Bhopal activist and linked to the text of the UK Amnesty statement from 12/2, but no apparent link for a
direct online action. It is also not listed in the Write for Rights campaign as a current issue.
- The AI USA blog by Govind Acharya linked to the online action to contact the USOC and to Lorraine Close's change.org petition.

Table of Contents

Barry Gardiner: website posts of Hindu, "Dow Olympic campaign" update

Barry Gardiner's website had the following updates:
The 12/2 Hindu article with quotes from himself and Noam Chomsky opposing the Dow Olympic sponsorship

An update on the Dow Olympic Campaign said it "is gathering momentum" and Gardner has "been busy campaigning with Labour Friends of India." He listed six action updates:
- "Events in 3 continents" on the 27the Bhopal gas tragedy anniversary - UK, India and Africa
- GoI's instruction to the IOA to communicate with LOCOG and the IOC
- Gardiner "raised the issue of the ongoing contamination at Bhopal to leading politicians from 18 of the G20 countries" while at the Climate Change Conference in Durban, S. Africa
- Navin Shah represented the Labour Friends group at the Bhopal events
- "Ken Livingstone attended a press conference organized by Labour Friends of India at the Olympic Stadium in Stratford. Ken officially endorsed our campaign at the change.org
- "On Friday released a letter to LOCOG signed by over a hundred celebrities, politicians and Olympians." The update indicated the list of supporters was provided, but no content
was available.
Gardiner ended by saying Coe "must realize if he does not listen" to the protesters, the protests "will continue during the games themselves, and the sporting spectacle will be
overshadowed by the toxic cloud of Dow."
Full text attached.

Table of Contents

12/3 Rail Roko turns violent, protesters injured and arrested; CM Chouhan agreed to compensation data demand; roko cancelled

The 12/3 Bhopal rail roko protest turned violent with injuries reported among the protesters, police and media persons. Reports vary on how the clash with police began.

Bhopal activists posted a flurry of emails and message board posts calling for telephone calls to PM Singh's office, the MP Chief Minister's office and the Environment and Forests
ministry office.
Subsequent posts reported MP CM Chouhan "agreed on all demands of the survivor groups" and a written statement was said to have been issued from Chouhan's office. As a result of
Chouhan capitulating, the rail roko was called off. Details of the CM's statement were promised to follow.
